[020] lies

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I wake up, blood all over my face and sigh as I lean over my hammock and grab a cloth, wiping it off. My body is regaining it's strength and I assume it's from my long sleep.

I sit up and look around at the multiple people here, more than before. But 1 person catches my eye as I look at the back of their head.

"Clarke?" My voice croaks and she turns around and smiles at me, grabbing a cup of water and handing it to me.

"Hey, you feeling ok?" She asks me as I accept the cup and take a sip. 

"I've...felt better." She smiles at this. "I feel less sick, but you look you're doing good." 

She nods. "Yeah I feel pretty much better." And thank god for that. With a sickness that has taken peoples lives, I'm grateful ours didn't fall victim to it.

I then look in front of me and see Bellamy laying on one of the hammocks, his skin pale and dried blood all over his face. "Bellamy..." I breathe out, moving forwards,

"He's fine, don't worry, just resting it out." She assures me and I move backwards nodding. "Is there something going on between you two?" She asks me and I meet her eyes and see she's smiling. "I mean I saw you in his cot on unity day-"

"Ok, we did not sleep together." I point at her, and she raises her brows nodding along. "I just got really drunk on unity day and he was helping out and then we...kissed." I confess to her.

"Oh." She raises her brows and looks at me surprised. 

"I know. It's weird. I think he's an ass," I begin and she chuckles.

"You can say that again."

"But...he's also caring, when he wants to be, and thoughtful. He's also a very good kisser." I smirk and nudge Clarke, making her playfully roll her eyes. "I feel like I really like him, but I don't want to." I admit.

"Well, whatever you decide to do, I'm always here for you." She assures me and I smile at her.

"Thanks Clarke. So what'd I miss when I was passed out?" I ask her and she sighs.

"Raven's made a bomb that she, Jasper and Finn are going to set off at the bridge, try to delay the grounder attack until we're ready." She explains, but I furrow my eyebrows. There's no way one bomb is going to destroy that bridge.

"That bridge survived a war. How the hell is one bomb going to blow it up?" I ask her.

"Well according to Raven, it won't survive her." She tells me. Knowing Raven, she may be right.

"Well Raven is the smartest person I've ever met. If anyone can pull it off, it's her." I say and she nods along. 

I find Clarke that evening stood outside the camp walls, staring down at the graves that had just been dug for those who didn't survive the virus. I sigh looking at her, knowing the guilt she feels, having it been cursed to me too.

"Hey." I say to her, softly. and she looks at me with a soft smile, before it drops and she looks back ahead.

"Fourteen graves." She tells me.

"This is never going to get easier." I sigh, looking ahead also. It could have been us there. One of us. 

"Hey." We turn to our left and spot Bellamy walking towards us, gun in hand. "You two are outside the wall without a gun again."

"After the bomb, the grounders won't attack again today. Not after their casualties." I tell him, and he hesitates before nodding. I'm probably right.

"We need to talk about Murphy." He reminds us and I look at Clarke who looks at me instantly, knowing what I'm thinking.

"He was right about the bridge." She tells me and I give her a look.

"So we trust him now?" I ask.

"Maybe we give him a chance." She suggests.

Bellamy's eyes meet mine. He's probably wondering if I want to take him up on his offer, and in that moment I really did. Selfishly, I would have done anything I could have to kill Murphy for what he'd done to us. But killing him doesn't change or fix anything, it doesn't bring anyone back. Maybe keeping him alive can help prevent more dying.

I sigh. "We lost 14 people today. We need as many people as we can get." I explain, looking at Bellamy, before turning back to Clarke. "He screws up once-"

"And we go with both of your plan, I promise." She assures me and I nod.

She then shakes her head looking at the graves once more. "Fourteen." She sighs, before walking back inside the camp, hopelessly and I watch after, solemnly.

"You really ok with Murphy being let back in?" Bellamy asks me and I sigh before shaking my head.

"Of course not. But, truth is, we do need him whether we like it or not. When this is all over, we can sort something out." I give him a tight lipped smile, before I follow after my friend.

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