[023] out of time

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We crouch down at our post besides Miller and Harper, the 3 of us armed with guns and Octavia with a sword, waiting and watching for grounders to come or for Bellamy to give an order

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We crouch down at our post besides Miller and Harper, the 3 of us armed with guns and Octavia with a sword, waiting and watching for grounders to come or for Bellamy to give an order. "All foxholes, listen up." Bellamy's voice chimes through the radio and we all listen carefully. "Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan." He announces, cutting off the line.

"We should get out there." I inform Octavia who nods as she rises to her feet. "Hey, you two stay put." Miller orders but I roll my eyes at him because he knows we won't do that. 

"Whatever Miller." I call back as myself and Octavia walk over to the wall and flip a part of it open, leaving the camp and watching out for grounders.

It quickly becomes night and no ones attacked, nor have any of the mine fields gone off. Only, all of a sudden, we hear a bang in the distance, jolting our heads up and making us rise to our feet in unison, from the tree we've been resting against. I spot bodies in the distance running left and right. "Don't die Octavia." I say tell her, raising my rifle. She grins at me before we both run towards the moving figures.

I spot one running in front of me and stop, and immediately shoot them in the chest, watching them collapse to the ground. Only then, I'm kicked to the ground by someone behind me. I mange to turn onto my back and notice it's a grounder. They are about to stab me but their blade collides with the grass as I roll over, grabbing a knife and quickly stabbing it into their neck, rolling over before the body collides to the ground.

Unexpectedly, theres a loud eruption in the sky, forcing me to look up and nothing but the sounds of the ship falling out the sky. Only it's not a ship. It's the Ark. Maybe it broke apart after all life support failed and just rusted up, I assume. But I will mourn the dead after the war is over.

I take my knife out of the grounders neck and stuff it back in my jacket pocket, fixing my rifle before running through the woods. I stop in step as I hear monkey callings from far away, which sound too humane to be actual monkeys. Probably the grounders cry, which is indubitably annoying and very screechy. I decide to ignore them, not wanting to feel interrogated.

I then notice Bellamy being tackled by a grounder. Octavia comes up from behind me and runs as fast as possible towards him, thrusting her sword into the grounders skull. Only, all of a sudden an arrow is shot towards her, and I look up to see Octavia collapse, an arrow in her leg, as Bellamy catches her. "We need to get her out of here. Now." I worriedly shout at Bellamy who nods as he carries his sister.

We stop by a tree and we all lay behind it, hiding from the fight commenting behind his between the grounders and another tribe whom I believe are called reapers.

"They're distracted. Let's move." Bellamy tells us rising a little but Octavia doesn't move an inch, continuously panting.

"We'll never make it. Leave me. I'll find another way." She tells us, looking at both me and Bellamy but I shake my head.

"There's no way in hell we're leaving you." I inform her. 

"Octavia." Lincoln calls from behind us, sitting besides Octavia, kissing her before looking down at the arrow in her leg. "It's deep. I can help you, but you have to come with me now." Lincoln says more to myself and Bellamy. I know that if Octavia comes with us, she'll die. If she goes with Lincoln, she will live. But she might never see us again.

Bellamy and I look at each other, with a look both reading that we need to let her go. "Go. Let him help." Bellamy sighs, dropping his head down but Octavia shakes her head. 

"No way. I have to see this through." She insists, after all, she is a fighter.

"You can't walk and I can't get you back to the drop ship." Bellamy tells her, emotion laced in his voice. 

"He's right. This fight is over for you." Lincoln tells her, and she looks at him before pushing her head back against the tree. knowing that we're right.

"O, O, listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born. The truth is... it didn't start until then. Go with him. I need you to live. Besides... I got this." Bellamy tells his sister, half smiling before pulling her into a hug.

"I love you, big brother." Octavia tells him before they pull apart. I feel tears appear in my eyes as I know I have to stay goodbye to my best friend.

Octavia turns to me and pulls me into her embrace, almost unexpectedly "And I love you, Ariel." She tells me. Her fight for now is over, but I know it's not our last together. "May we meet again." I smile as we pull apart. 

"We will." She replies. nodding at me,  and I hope we will. Lincoln rises to his feet and picks Octavia up, Bellamy and I standing up as well. We watch as Lincoln carries a crying Octavia away as I turn to face Bellamy.

"You need to get in the drop ship, Ariel." Bellamy tells me making me furrow my eyebrows. 

"What? Why?" I ask him.

"Ravens closing it up and letting out a ring of fire which will kill everyone who's not inside. You need to go, now." Bellamy insists.

"Ok. Let's go." 

He goes silent. Please don't say what I think he's about to say. "I have to stay, and make sure everyone gets on. Then I can join you aft-" 

"No, I'm not leaving without you." I tell him. 

"Ariel, go. Now." Bellamy tells me and I shake my head. 

"Bellamy, no. I told you before I don't follow your orders, I'm not going to start now." I tell him.

He sighs looking down before meeting my eyes again.

"When we first landed, I would be lying if I said I didn't dislike you. You would always go against everything I did, yet even then there was something about you that intrigued me, and you managed to grow on me. You grew on me more than anyone ever has before, Ariel. Truth is, I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone before. Ever. And before - I was scared. But I'm not anymore. Which is why I know I can't lose you. I need you in that drop ship, with or without me." He admits, and I just stand there wide eyed, shocked by what he's just said. We'd never discussed this before, never even really thought about it yet here he is confessing his feelings to me when we are on a battle field and I have no time to respond, or do anything but just stare.


"Go." He tells me breathlessly and I hesitate before nodding and turning around and running as fast as possible because I know that if I stopped, I would turn back.

As soon as I get to the drop ship door and Miller spots me, I turn around. I see Bellamy fighting a grounder and I feel my breathing rate increase as the grounder tackles him to the ground, raising a dagger to kill him. "Shit." I exclaim as I try to run towards him but Jasper grabs me and pulls me into the drop ship. I look up at him and he gives me an appologetic look, and I know he's not going to let go. So all I can do is watch as the doors close, not knowing if the grounder killed him or if he's ok.

I feel the drop ship shake, knowing they've achieved their goal. 

If the grounder didn't kill Bellamy, the flames sure will.

This time there's no help. This time he really is gone. And this time, there's nothing I can do about it.

After a while of waiting, I hear the drop ship door open and I immediately rise to my feet, running outside to see if I can spot Bellamy anywhere. But unsurprisingly I don't. All around me is ash and skeletons of bodies and the smell of death and loss soaks the air. I look up and see Clarke, walking around solemnly too, remembering Finn didn't get inside either. Her and I are on the same boat, and I then immediately look back down.

Suddenly something is thrown at us, making me turn around to look at what it was. Only it lets out an endless supply of pink smoke, which I breath in and end up collapsing to the ground. My eyes slowly close and then all I can see is darkness, as I welcome death with open arms.

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