Not same old

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Lunch break.

Me and Tiffany are eating our lunch in the canteen, she's sitting across the table.

Many students greet her and some guys are giving her gifts like chocolate and flowers. She's just accepting it and giving them her famous eye smile.

It's annoying because they keep interrupting our lunch and I don't like those guys leering at her like she's a piece of meat. I really want to punch their faces but I need to control myself.

"Are you okay Taetae?" Tiffany sweetly asked.

I didn't answer her and just continue to eat.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked worried.

Of course not! I'm just pissed because you're giving everyone attention. I want all your attention to me!

I sighed. I can't say that. That sounds selfish and she's not even my girlfriend. Seriously Taeyeon? Girlfriend? I scoffed at myself. You are delusional to think of that.

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany snapped me out of my trance.

"No, let's just eat," I flatly said.

She looked sad "But-"

"Hi Tae and Tiff, can I join you?" Someone suddenly asked. We turned to the voice and saw Seolhyun holding her tray of food.

I smiled "Sure."

"Thanks," Seolhyun sat next to me. I can feel her stare but I remain calm.

Two famous girls in one table and I'm out of the picture. I'm just an ordinary girl, no, I'm a loser here. People think that I shouldn't be here with them because I don't belong.

"Wow... that's a lot of flowers and chocolates huh?" Seolhyun noticed the gifts on the table. "I see that many students like you Tiffany."

"And I appreciate them," Tiffany said indifferent. Seolhyun didn't notice but not me. I always notice their change of moods.

Seolhyun nodded "You're so nice that's why."

Tiffany smiled "Thanks, you too." Her smile is different too. It's forced, I can tell.

"By the way, I'm excited about our date," Seolhyun changed the topic as she looked at me.

Our date? I can sense that she's implying something to me. Isn't she?

"Me too!" Tiffany squeaked. "You know our FRIENDLY date, the more the merrier," she emphasized the word friendly.

Our conversation is interrupted when a guy approached Tiffany to give her a love letter while Seolhyun's friend approached her to ask something.


As I said, I'm out of the picture. I don't belong here so I stood up and silently excused myself. I walked out of the canteen.

I don't know why I am being like this. I used to control my emotion before but now, it controls me. It's too much.

I'm walking in the hallway because I decided to go to my fotress. Back from the beginning, I should just stay there often.

I'm about to use the stair when someone bumped on me, the person is strong that I fell on the floor.

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice you," I looked up and saw Miho.

He walked and purposely kicked my foot, I grunted in pain. Students started to form a circle around us. They didn't help and just watch. They are bystanders, I don't blame them. They don't care about me and they don't want to involve themselves. But I wish they just mind their own business because this is not a free show to watch.

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