Lost in Love

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I never imagined in my life that this moment will come. I thought I'm okay with this but being in this situation right now makes me feel nervous.

I'm at the backstage waiting for my turn. The concert started an hour ago and I'm anxiously waiting for my tardy turn.

I want to back out, I just want to go back to my dorm and sleep. Geez. This waiting is killing me. Very nice.

Seolhyun is with me trying to cheer me up. We're sitting on the bench. I'm glad that she's here with me.

"Taeyeon, you can do it. I'm so excited to see you on stage and to hear you singing there. I'm proud of you," Seolhyun said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I smiled, it calmed me somehow "Thank you Seolhyun."

"Just believe in yourself, show everyone what you've got and just enjoy it. This is not a competition so don't worry too much, sing and just feel the song," she advised as she squeezed my shoulder.

"I will try," I said nervously. My voice was shaking. Damn.

"Taeyeon, relax. Just imagine that nobody's watching you when you get on the stage okay?"

I chuckled "Okay..." I took a sharp breath.

As I promise, I need to be brave and do this. I can do this, I have to trust myself like Tiffany does.

I can do this. It's my mantra for today.

I just started to relax when Seolhyun squealed "Taeyeon! The host called you! It's your turn now!" She excitedly said.

We both stood up, my heart is beating to its limit.

"Go Taeyeon! You can do it! Fighting!" Seolhyun cheerfully said.

I pursed my lips together, I can do it.

I walked up to the stage and saw the crowd. I went timidly to the mic standing at the center.

My body was shaking uncontrollably, I couldn't control my emotion.

It was overwhelming. Shit.

"Give it up for Miss Kim Taeyeon from College of Arts!" The host energetically introduced.

People gave me round of applause but I'm still freaking nervous. I can't move my body as if it froze.

I don't know what to do in front of many people, I can't control my body and my emotion.

Damn. I can't do this. I can't.

The minus one started and I already missed the intro. The crowd started to murmur things that I can't comprehend.

I'm so embarrassed. Ashamed.

I'm sorry Tiffany, I can't do this. I failed you.

I observed the crowd and they looked disappointed.

"Taeyeon, you can do it!" I heard Seolhyun yelled.

But I should do this, I'm not the same anymore. Tiffany helped me to change myself for better. I should at least, do this for her.

I calmed myself down as I took a deep breath.

I gathered all my confidence and just thought about Tiffany.

I can do this and I will do this for her, for me... for us.

I turned to the host and gestured him to replay the music. He got my message and nodded.

The minus one played once again and this time, I have the confidence to sing. Tiffany gave me strength to do this.

I will sing this song for her, I will make everyone feel the song and feel what I'm feeling right now.

I held the mic and I started singing along with the music.

(Taeyeon sung the Korean version but I put the English translation for you guys to understand and feel the song)

Lost in Love by TaeNy

"Are we really breaking up now?
Or is it just a short break, like we promised
It seems like this is as much as I can take
Why haven't I heard from you

I love you, it's alright even if I have to wait forever
I'll be smiling when you come back to me again

I still can't accept the fact that you were the one who announced our separation
I just want to take your words as it is
What are you doing right now

I love you, it's alright even if I have to wait forever
I'll be smiling when you come back to me again

Right now, even though the sadness and your leaving is settling in slowly
All I can think about is how good it would be if you came back to me
Why do I act so foolishly?
The "time" that you have given me, was just the time to straighten out the distance between us

I'm not upset, because I believe that you'll look for me again
This belief will strengthen my love for you,
And give me the strength to live on"

After the song, everybody cheered and the crowd gone crazy. They gave me a loud round of applause.

They liked it!

I smiled widely looking at the crowd and they started to cheer my name.

"Kim Taeyeon!" They said repeatedly.

"Thank you," I bowed to them.

I toured my eyes again at the crowd then someone caught my attention. No freaking way! Those familiar eye smile directly looking at me.

"Tiffany... it can't be..." I mumbled.

Is that Tiffany? I stared at her stunned. I feel my body froze and everything around me disappeared.

It's just the two of us.

Oh thank God.

Tiffany is here. She's watching me and she's smiling at me!

Am I hallucinating? Or am I dreaming?

I double looked and confirmed. It's really Tiffany!

I smiled widely. She's here.

She's the reason why I'm here and I did it.

I was out of my trance when she turned around to leave.

I frowned "No..." She's leaving again.

I quickly went down and followed her.

I turned my head left and right to find her, my heart is beating fast and I'm eager to confirm what I saw on the stage.

I know it's Tiffany but where is she? I need to see her, I'm longing for her.

Am I just imagining and make myself believe that she's here to watch me? Sounds pathetic. What am I doing to myself?

I slumped my shoulders, hopeless.

"Kim Taeyeon," I heard someone called me.

It's her.

I turned to the voice and confirmed it.

"Tiffany..." I gulped staring at her in awe.

No shit. It's Tiffany!


Tiffany huh? Is she? x.x

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