Dinner Dash

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Seolhyun brought me to fancy restaurant but good thing because they don't have dress code. The place is awesome, it looks classy but comfortable with its background music. It's also spacious, you can have your privacy when it comes to conversation because every table has enough space to each other. 

All their staffs are friendly and well-mannered.

It's a perfect place to go on a date. Tiffany would like here for sure.

We ordered Spicy Bulgogi rice bowl, Japchae or Glass noodles and Dakgangjeong. I like the last dish, it's a deep-fried crispy chicken dish glazed in a steamy, sweet, and spicy sauce. Mmm, sounds good.

We were eating when Seolhyun started the conversation.

"What do you think about this place?" Seolhyun asked then she took a spoonful of her meal.

I chewed and swallowed my food before answering "It's a perfect place for dinner, I like it here."

"Good," Seolhyun happily smiled. "The food is also amazing right?"

I nodded in agreement then showed a thumbs up.

We finished eating our main course then Seolhyun ordered two slices of cake and red wine for the dessert.

"So... what are you going to tell me?" I asked as I took  a sip of my wine.

Seolhyun stiffened "Oh..." She became tense all of a sudden.

"Is there a problem?"

"No... there's no problem Taeyeon," she stuttered as fidgeted her fingers.

"Okay good. So what is it?" I asked again.

"Um we should do this again," she said not answering my question. 

"Yes of course but what do you want to tell me?"

She sighed and looked down.


She cutely blew out her cheeks then exhaled. "Taeyeon..." She looked back at me.


"I... I like you," she blushed but she didn't look away this time.

"W-what?" I murmured. Did I hear it right? Seolhyun likes me, my ears must be tricking me!

"I like you Taeyeon and I thinking I'm falling for you," she gulped staring hopeful at me.

I frowned a bit.

The famous Kim Seolhyun likes me. It's an honor. I feel so lucky. I admit that I have a little crush on her but it's nothing more than that. She became a friend, just a friend.

I really like Tiffany and I think, I'm starting to love her.

"Seolhyun..." I feel sad for her.

"You don't have to answer me now. Let me show you how much you mean to me Taeyeon please?" She pleaded as she held my hand on the table.

"But Seolhyun-"

She interrupted me "Please Taeyeon... Don't answer me now. Just give me a chance then I'll ask you again some other time. Please..." Her voice is kinda broken. I know she can sense what my answer is.

I really want to confront her and tell her that I'm sorry, that I can't return what she feels for me. I don't want her to give false hope because I already love someone else.

Love. When I think of love, I see Tiffany's face in my mind.

Even if Seolhyun asked me some other time, my decision would never change.

But it's Seolhyun's request so I nodded "Okay."

Seolhyun smiled "Thank you Taeyeon," she lightly squeezed my hand and let go. "Let's continue our dessert."

I smiled back "Sure."

Now I just realize my feelings for Tiffany.

No shit, I got smitten.

I'm already in love with her.


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