Life without her

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The next morning.

I managed to go back to school, I still don't want to miss classes even though I'm not in the mood for everything. In fact, I am not happy but I should act like everything is back to normal.

Though I feel numb.

I feel empty.

And I feel sort of, nothing

It's like a chronic feeling. I feel disconnected from my life and there's this sense that something is missing. I was ready to experiment with my life but now, I'm back finding a room within my comfort zone.

She took everything from me: love, happiness and life.

Without Tiffany, I feel my life will never be the same. Now that she's gone and probably, happy with her life. It relieves me somehow that she's fine.

I should be happy for her and I should stop being selfish. So what if she doesn't remember me? At least, I know that she's alive somewhere.

I wanted to cry but I think, I already cried all my tears last night. Still, the pain isn't subsiding.

I was walking at the entrance of our University when I saw Seolhyun and Yeji.

Seolhyun smiled at me "Hi Taeyeon," she sweetly greeted.

"Good morning eonni," Yeji also greeted.

They still know me, just like what Gran told me. Everything happened here didn't change, it's just Tiffany disappeared from the scene.

I forced a weak smile, I didn't want to be rude.

Seolhyun nudged Yeji and the latter cleared her throat "Taeyeon eonni, I just want to apologize for what happened last night about Juniel. I'm sorry on behalf of her."

"It's okay, you have nothing to worry Yeji," I flatly said as my voice was kinda groggy. Maybe because of nonstop crying and sobbing last night. 

I used to be very calm but now I get mad on little things.

"Are you okay?" Seolhyun asked worried.

I nodded "Yes."

"Thank you eonni. Umm... I have to go now," Yeji said as she looked at her watch. "I also have morning classes. See you guys," she waved goodbye then left.

"Let's go to our class," Seolhyun proposed.


Then we entered the building.

While walking in the hallway, I was pondering if Tiffany's existence here before was really forgotten.

"Tiffany," I said.

Seolhyun turned to me "Tiffany who?"

"Do you know her?"

"Um..." She shook her head "I don't know someone who named Tiffany. Why Taeyeon?"

Her answer looks genuine, she has no idea who's Tiffany.

"Nothing. It's just nothing."

"O... okay..."

We were close to our classroom when I saw this unexpected guy leaning his back on the wall next to our classroom's door.

That playboy smile still irritates me.

"Hi Ladies," he greeted us.

Wait. How would he know me if Tiffany was erased in their memories?

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