ċһѧƿṭєя ғȏȗя

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( Peter's POV because doing Steve's was difficult. I actually didn't know if he said the word " God" for example. " for the love of god" or " Oh my god.." Which was quite different from other POV's. I haven't updated in a while because I'm getting into Game of thrones and Once upon a time )

He'd yawn, opening his eyes to see a person in a black and red suit staring down at him.

" Shut up, I am not going to kidnap him guys!" I panicked, jumping up while grabbing my bag.

I'd start to run until I was grabbed by the back of my book bag AGAIN.

" Chill baby boy, I ain't going to kidnap yo-"

I interrupted the person by hitting them with the back of my head and started thrashing around.

" LET ME GO!!!" I continue shruggling until I panted and tilted my head back, seeing the person's mask, white eyes just staring at me.

" You done? Because I'm pretty sure the readers want to know where your cat is"

My eyes widened as my mouth was left opened. I closed my mouth, looking down and seeing Stark just sitting and staring at me and the person holding me.

" Stark? Are they friendly and not stalking me for god knows what?" I asked the cat only to see him shake his head.

I nodded and titled my head back to see the person still staring but this time was pouting.

" I know right! So unfair that baby boy trusts that feline more than me! " The person said while letting go of Peter's book bag to put his hand onto his chest to seem offended.

" Ow!" I cringed at the pain when I was let go, standing up and looking around.

I sighed once I realized I couldn't find a clock or anything with a time on it, lowering myself to pick up Stark and hold him between my arms than looking up at the person.

" Mew~?" I looked down at Stark than nodded, looking back up at the person.

" Guys shut up, we're going to freak him out. But I agree with Y.B " The person talked to himself while I continue to nod towards Stark as he kept meowing.

" I agree with Stark, what's your name? What's the time? and what's with thhhhiiiisss?" He'd make a motion towards the person while continuing to look up.

" Deadpool, 7:56 , and this? This be FABUUUUULOUS!"

I laughed and smiled, than realized I was going to be late for school.

" I gotta go Deadpool, I'm going to be late for school! Bye!" He'd wave while running with Stark between his arms.

________( Time skip)_______

" Finally!" He'd pant and huff, gasping for air than kneeing down.

" Stark get in and don't make a sound, I'll feed you at lunch."  I said while opening the bag, watching as Stark walked into the bag than fell asleep.

I smiled and closed the bag, walking inside and running toward my locker. I looked around than sighed, turning towards my locker and grabbing my textbooks and etc.

" HEY! Penis Parker! Ready for a beating?!" He'd mentally sighed, already knowing a punch was coming because of his spidey-senses.

" Leave me alone Flash..." I said annoyed while rubbing the back of my head.

" What are you going to do about it Penis Par-" He'd watch as Flash was kicked from behind, MJ walking from behind Flash to in front of me while holding a book.

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