ċһѧƿṭєя ғıғṭєєṅ

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( Hi Readers. Unfortunately I had the cold and couldn't update. Sorry! )

After a while, The Elevator made the normal ' ' Ding! ' ' sound.

After a while, I stepped out. Finally calmed down from the memory.

" Peter! Son of Parker, Where have you been?"

I looked up and smiled, only to be hugged almost to death.

" M-Mr. Thor, I c-c-can't breathe!"

This caused Mr.Thor to let go go and pat my back in order to help me breathe.

I inhaled deep breaths in order to breathe.

" I got a Part time job. I'm working at the popular new Café, Darkened."

I finally paced my breathing and smiled.

" My A-Aunt is already busy enough so I got a part time job to help her."

Still horrified from the memory I had dreamt of, I tried not to mention Aunt May so I don't end up crying.

' Since today was the date she died. December 20th, 2019'

Mr.Thor continued to smile, walking off to do whatever a god does.

I looked down to see Goose staring up at me.

" Hi Goose, Hungry?"

I saw Goose nod, meowing and started walking.

I followed him, curious on where he was going.

He stopped in front of the elevator.

He turned around and looked up at me.

I tilted my head than smiled, picking up Goose and walking into the elevator.

" Just meow when my finger stops on the right button you want."

I hovered my finger over all the buttons but Goose only meowed on the top floor, level 80.

I looked down at Goose than shrugged, pressing the button and waited as the elevator moved slowly, at least that's what it felt like.

Once the elevator stopped and made the ding sound. I stepped out, shivering from the cold wind and weather. Since it hadn't stopped snowing ever since yesterday.

Instead of paying attention to my own health, I placed Goose into my shirt, His head sticking out of the head hole.

I made sure to keep him warm and out of the cold.

I looked around, trying to figure out why Goose wanted me to go to the roof instead of a place with food.

As I kept on looking I saw a person sitting on the edge of the front of the building.

I quietly wandered over, at least a few feet away from the person.

What surprised me is that they were talking to them self.

I walked over, peeking to the left side of them to see what their doing.

' Is that.... Scott Lang? '

I thought while watching Goose slide down my shirt and land on his feet.

I quickly picked up Goose to not be noticed but it was a bit too late. Since they looked up and smiled at me.

" Hey There, Whatcha doin' up on the roof?"

Scott Lang, AntMan.. WAS TALKING TO ME.

I nervously smiled, noticing that I hadn't answered his question.

" My friend, Goose, lead me up here. Sorry if I disturbed you Mr.Lang"

Mr.Lang simply shrugged, " Not like I was doing anything, just thinking out loud to myself."

I looked down to see Mr.Lang holding a picture of what looked like his family, A little Girl, A Female, and another Male?

I smiled.

" Family type of thinking?"

Mr.Lang nodded and patted the spot next to him, I sat down and placed Goode inside my shirt like before.

" My daughter, Cassie, is expecting me home but I'm not able to hang out with her anymore because of my Ex-Wife, Maggie, and her new Husband, Jim, not agreeing that I'm safe enough for her. "

Mr.Lang looked down, frowning and in deep thought.

" Well.... I have an idea. I can help prove your safe! I'll even safety proof the roof! That's how safe I'll show you are."

Mr.Lang laughed, smiling and looked over towards me.

" Thanks, What's your name?"

I smiled back, noticing it stopped snowing.

" I'm Peter, Peter Parker."

" Nice to meet you Peter, I'm Scott Lang"

Goose meowed, " Nice to meet you too, Mr.Lang."

Scott stood up and helped me up.

" You seem like a nice kid, Have you ever been to an arcade?"

I smiled, " Only once for my birthday when I was 8. My Aunt and Uncle couldn't stop me from running to each arcade machine and almost being kicked out by the manager for winning almost everything."

We both laughed.

" Wanna go to the Arcade with me? I planned on going to keep things off my mind."

I looked down at Goose than looked up, " Sure, I'd be glad to go! Let me just take Goose inside."

Before I could do anything, Mr.Lang shouted.


I smiled brightly, " HA! IT'LL BE YOU PAYING, MR.LANG!"

I watched him run into the elevator, the elevator door closing.

I quickly looked around, " Activate Karen."

" Activated.  Hello Peter. "

" Hi Karen! What's the fastest way off the roof and to the lobby floor without being suspicious?"

I ran to the edge, looking down.

" The fastest way off Stark Tower's roof is by  taking the emergency stairs. However, they have been blocked due to a fire accident. "

I quickly nodded and smiled, " Got it! Thanks Karen! "

" Your welcome, Peter. "

I decided to ran through the door for the emergency exit stairway, hopping down the middle. I made a webbed parachute, using it and softly landing.

Since there were 80 levels, It would take approximately 13 minutes to get to the lobby.

I opened the lobby door and ran through, smiling running towards the elevator door.

( Wait... What happened to goose????)

Luckily I was able to web Goose inside my shirt.

I used the formula on the webs, placing goose out of my shirt and drying him off with my sleeves.

" Goose you know how to go to the 5th floor, right?"

I saw Goose meow and wander off.

I smiled and stood up, the elevator door opening and seeing Mr.Lang.

" Soo, About the the tokens?"

Mr.Lang laughed and smiled, " Fair enough."


( Sorry about this chapter being short and taking about 2 weeks to update. School and having a cold hasn't been the BESTEST of days. But, I'm trying to see if I'm able to make a Webtoon with my friend who just started on last week. )

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