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( A little gift for those who were able to wait patiently for chapter 8 )

| Tony's POV |

Bruce and I were surprisingly amazed by the Spider-Ling's ability to be able to fix a problem within a merely seconds while the two of them spent at least 1 in a half month's trying to figure it out!

' Even after we caused harmed to the vigilante, He still had the kindness in his heart to fix and upgrade my suit. Man, Would I love to know what kind of things his webs are made of and the fabric of his suit as well. If they were able to- '

My train of thought was interrupted by Bruce who was smiling.

" At least now we know what the issue was and what we didn't know about how to find it or fix it. I'd say that Spider-Man really helped us out," Bruce thought out loud while shrugging. Natasha walking into the lab and staring at the both of us with no emotion at all shown on her face.

" Go. To. Bed. The problem with your suit is solved by the person who webbed us to the roof of a complex. It took at least 2 hours just to tear through it, But it took us another 2 hours just to wait for it to soften because every time we attempted to escape just made the webs denser. Now go to bed or I'll come back up here with the coffee machine and break it into two using your own lab equipment. And I can get real creative when it comes to sleeping."

After that while scolding from Natasha. I had a chill up my spine from thinking about her having the efforts to actually go from her bedroom all the way to the lab just to say that.

And the fact that she went whole mother tone with the both of us. We didn't dare to see if we didn't go to bed.

" Night, Tony. Tomorrow we can try and see what else Spider-man did to your suit."

I nodded, waving goodnight to Bruce and watched him exit the lab once the elevator doors close.

I sighed, rubbing my temples and walking back to the stool I always use when I have to try and solve another equation.

" Why would he be fascinated by cap's shield yet not phased at all when upgrading my suit. It just doesn't make sense... Perhaps he had created his own webs and attached them onto his suits wrists which would explain why he is able to shoot webs by only using his middle finger and his ring finger. "

"Maybe he even created his suit just for the purpose to uphold his nickname. That may be why he's able to climb walls and fling through the air without the webs snapping. His webs may be made by a chemical base engineering which allows the webbing to be strong enough to not snap unlike a normal spider's web."

He'd smirk, placing his hands on the edge of the lab table and sliding himself while still sitting on the stool, opening a drawer and taking out chemicals including gloves, Tongs, and Goggles.

Tony would than place the gloves and goggles on while carefully placing the chemicals down , closing the drawer and placing the tongs down aside.

" Now to figure which chemicals this vigilante used to make the web substance."

He would think, remembered that the protein in dragline silk is fibroin which is a combination of the proteins spidroin 1 and spidroin 2. The exact composition of these proteins depends on factors including species and diet. Fibroin consists of approximately 42% glycine and 25% alanine as the major amino acids.

Tony than would think about how strong the webs were, knowing that Spider webs are notoriously strong, with spider silk reported as having a tensile strength of up to 1.75 gigapascals (GPa), or just over 178 kilograms per square millimeter in cross-section

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