ċһѧƿṭєя ṡıχtƎƎƝ???

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( Sr tfbh, Gsrh xszkgvi droo yv zylfg Ni.Ozmt, Tzfiwrzmh lu gsv tzozcb, Dzpzmwz, zmw nlhg rnkligzmgob, Wi.Hgizmtv. Ru blf tfbh dzmg, R zn zyov gl vrgsvi kzri Hgvksvm Hgizmtv drgs Glmb Hgzip li Glmb Hgzip drgs Hgvev Iltvih. Ovzev z xlnnvmg lu dsrxs lmv blf dzmg nliv.)

[ Isn't that message hidden in a Backwards Alphabet ? ]

{ White, Can we just go back to admiring our cinnamon roll? Seriously! I need to see his face again! }

[ Ugh, whatever Yellow. ]

" Aha! You thought you were gonna see our cinnamon, bean, adorable, and etc etc! Well, the FABULOOOOUUUSSS Deadpool is here to have his own chapter since the Author is busy doing god knows what. Anyways, Fuck that. Time to stalk my Babyboy and kill some people."

I laughed, smiling under my mask and skipped off.

[ Yellow! Shut up! ]

{ Nuh uh! You shut up, You're the one saying that our cinnamon roll isn't single! He is a single Pringle and is ready to mingle! }

" White, Lets be honest. Yellow is the only one sounding reasonable right now."

[ Why do I even try. ]

{ Oh, wait. That was trying? I thought that was you just lying. }


As I stopped skipping and took out my katanas, I saw the target that I was assigned.

{ This always reminds me of GTA, cause your able to like, kill others.... maybe}

[ How is killing someone for money related to a game on a console, Yellow??]

{ 'Cause u ain't smart}

" Guys shut up, Trying to at least get this done fast. "

{ White! Shut up! The faster he gets this over with the faster our Babyboy gets to see us! I can't wait to see him smiling at us and wave with that innocent smile! }

[ Yellow, You're the one fucking yelling at me. Jesus]

I hop up the roof, following the target than hopped down, using my katanas to slice an X on the back of the target.

I heard them scream in pain and pull out a gun.

They shot multiple times at, I blocked the bullets with the blades of my katanas and than sliced their neck.

I yawned and placed my Katanas away back in their cases.

" Time to go get the reward."

{ F.I.N.A.L.L.Y, That took FOREVERR!!!}

[ Yellow, It legit only has been 2 minutes. ]

{ Yeah, That's called forever!}

[ Your an idiot. ]

{ Look Who's talking! }

" You both need to shut up, I can't even concentrate on where I'm going. I mean I love how you guys insult one another, but seriously. I just wanna see mah cinnamon roll! "

I turned and looked straight at you guys.

" Ain't that right readers? Oh, Also! If you are able to decode the code. Than the Author will do what not and do stuff. Idk"

I shrugged and turned away from you guys, walking off and yawning.

When I saw a web shoot past my face.

" Wow, Wait..."

I looked at Spidery, taking out a picture of Babyboy.

I looked at the differences.


I screamed and smiled.


[ We're not gonna question how he has a photo of Peter? ]

{ Stop judging us! The saying that they are always with us is now true!}

[ Not creepy at all]

" White, Shush. I need to fangirl with yellow."



I stopped and laughed, looking towards you.

" Does anyone else know?"

I smirked like the Cheshire cat's smirk.

" Huehuehue, I like how I figured it out before the Avengers. But that's only because I read the chapters! My favorite capture is the one where that Feline is Loki! Cause TEAAAAA"

( What's going on over here?)


( Wha???)

—————————( I Ran )————————

" Well, Now that we are hiding in a sewer. I should find out cinnamon."

I yawned and walked through the sewage water, finally seeing a latter.

I climbed up it and opened the hatch, walking out and walking to a perfume store.

" Hello! Welcome to Spray and Click! How may I-"

I interrupted the person and grabbed most of the perfumes, spraying my entire being and body.

I than placed all of them down, walking out and now smelled like a flower.

That wasn't a figure of speech, I honestly smelled exactly like a rose!

" Has anyone ever wondered what would happen If the author added Mysterio? Ya know that douche who did a dick move. Except he was like still a villain yet friends with Baby boy and Far From Home never happened?"

{ That'd be sweet! }

[ It'd be awkward because didn't Tony fire him? ]



I laughed and looked at you guys, " Ima have to end it here cause the Author is almost ready to pass out. Bai u guys."

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