ċһѧƿṭєя єıɢһṭ

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       |              Thor's  POV              |

After finally defeating my Younger brother, Loki, The God of mischief and trickery.

My comrades, all surrounding my brother as the Man of arrows was aiming an arrow towards my brother's nose, dead center.

Loki slyly remarked, " If it's all the same to you..."

" I'll have that drink now"

Right as soon as he said that everyone rolled their eyes while I smiled.

Soon after that remark, I helped my brother up and handcuffed his hands in front of him. But before I placed the muzzle on my brother I thought that I had heard him whisper, " Thanos..."

I simply ignored it since he already tricked me enough. I placed the muzzle onto him and led him out of the half-destroyed building.

While members of a shield started to clear the perimeter and placed the tesseract into a midnight black suitcase using tongs.

The rest of my fellow friends went to freshen up while I started to lead Loki and I to where they said they planned on going.

As soon as all of us arrived there, I convinced them to allow me to take the tesseract back to Asgard with me as to protect it from getting into the hands of evil... Again.

In which they did not disagree with me and rather just switched the Tesseract from its case to a containment unit.

I carried Mjölnir and the containment unit. Walking towards my brother and making a motion for him to grab the other side of the containment unit which had a handle on each side of it.

Once Loki held onto the other side, The Bifrost transported us back to Asgard in which Hemdall was waiting for us when we arrived.

" Welcome back, Thor. I see you have retrieved Loki?," Hemdall questioned while detaching the sword that controlled the Bifrost.

" Indeed my friend! I have returned with the tesseract as well," I replied while raising the hand that was holding the tesseract, causing Loki to mutter a curse word while being forced to raise his hand up as well. He than let go of the handle he was holding and looked to the side.

I sighed, smiling and nodded. I made a motion for Loki to walk in front of me In order to make sure he didn't try to stab me with a dagger like when we were children.

When we both arrived, I took off the muzzle. Than asked, " Little brother, Why did you choose to cause mayhem to the 7th realm, Midgard? "

Loki hissed, " Do not call me little brother, Thor! We both know the truth well enough..."

Thor frowned, using puppy dog eyes. Loki looking away due to knowing that he would be forced to look at the puppy dog eyes and than say why.

Finally Thor gave up and was about to open the door to the Throne room, Loki quickly stopped him.

" Thor... The reason why I attacked is because I was being controlled by a very evil person.... Thanos, He tortured me... Threated to.... He planned on-"

My eyes widened once Loki stopped himself and shook his head, remaining quiet.

I frowned, placing my hand on his right shoulder.

" Brother, I believe you. I'm sorry that happened to you..."

I felt enraged that someone named ' ' Thanos ' ' had harmed my brother and threatened him! But mostly, I felt guilty for not being able to protect my brother from this villian.

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