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Jungkook let out a deep breath as he walked up the silent environment which was all too familiar to him.

He reached the top of the small hill and a sad smile appeared on his lips as he viewed the night scene of the city, Seoul. He settled himself down on the soft grass bringing up the cold beer to have a sip.

"Why the fuck am I here again?!" He groaned grabbing a good amount of his hair in frustration.

He stared up at the night sky which was followed by a loud sigh.

"It's hard to find stars in this city." He mumbled slowly sipping on his chilled beer.

It was the same every year. He would come here at this same time with two cans of chilled beers and let out his frustrating question of why was he here, again!

But this time his alone time was cut short as a car made its way towards him. The headlight blinded Jungkook's vision making him groan in annoyance.

"It would be quite pleasing if you turn that darn light off!" He shouted. The light was turned off immediately followed by a man getting off the driver's seat.

Jungkook scrunched his face in utter annoyance and turned back to enjoy the night view.

The driver opened the back door and another man walked out of it. Jungkook cared less to turn his head around but the irritation of someone's presence at this moment nudged him to turn around and so he did.

The man stood by the car staring right at Jungkook with a pleased expression but the other felt his heart exploding in his chest.

They stared at eachother for good minutes before Jungkook turned around and stood up. He dumped the cans into the nearby dustbin and started walking off, his heart beating at a very eerie manner.

"Kookie?" Jimin finally broke the dark silence. Jungkook stopped on his track.

"Sorry?" He turned around digging his hands inside his hoodie's pockets.

"Have you been doing well?" Jimin asked in a low voice, his hands sweating, his heart doing flips.

A scoff escaped Jungkook's lips. "Look who's asking?" He felt his heart breaking into thousand of pieces when he said those words.

The expression on Jimin's face changed too. He was hurt.


"You're in no place to call me that." Jungkook replied in a firm tone, displaying his poker face.

"Let's talk, please?" Jimin pleaded taking few steps towards his ex.

"There's nothing to talk about, Jimin!" He nagged throwing his hands up.

A string a pain went through Jimin's heart as he heard his name slip from the younger's lips.

"You had a chance to talk 4 years ago but not now." Jungkook said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Jimin let his tear meet his cheek in silence. "Kookie..." He tried to go near him but was immediately stopped.

"Stop it." He took a step back. "I'm so tired of all this shit!" He turned around and walked off as a tear dared to escape his eye.

Jimin sobbed silently as he watched his ex-lover walk away from him, again that too at the same place.


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