Chapter 6

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   As the days passed life seemed to be like a fairy tale. Jake and I talked for hours on the phone about what seemed like nothing. We walked in the park hand in hand watching the leaves softly falling. I slowly slipped out of cutting and self harming as he made me feel loved and important. While we sat outside and talked our soft wods floated off into the wind, the wind always seemed to carry secrets it would never tell anyone. I could trust the wind, and Jake, with even the darkest secrets I had thought I would never dare to tell even my best friends. His smile lit up my mornings, his laugh lit up my night. He began to be a big part of my life I wouldnt ever dare to replace.

   The day of the dance came and before I knew it I was in my bright red dress and white satin gloves with my hair up in a bun outside waiting for Jake. 

   "Hope you dont mind walking two blocks down to the school." He laughed and ran up to me.

   "I dont mind. I like walking." We started walking down the street. It didnt take long and it felt kind of nice. The cool autumn air felt good on my warm skin as we walked up to the school doors and walked in. As we walked into the gym we could hear loud music and we could see everyone laughing and dancing. He look my hand and we went out onto the floor and started dancing. He spun and twirled me as we danced next to Luke and his girlriend until Ella showed up. She pushed me off to the side and wrapped her arms around his neck.

   "Nice to see you." She smiled and kissed him. He tryed to shove her off and move his head so their lips didnt meet. Unfortunatly, she grabbed his face and gave him a long lingering kiss, he seemed outmost discusted by how she was acting.

     "Ella, get away from me." He said pushing her away. She obviouly was offeneded by his comment, she scowled at me before returning her gaze back to him.

   "No, I said i want you back so your mine again. Now lets go leave this loser and dance." She laughed evilly and started to run her hands down his chest like she had done at the fair. She pulled him along the floor and he mouthed the words im sorry As he began to dance with her followed by her kissing him several times. With tears stinging my eyes and blurring my vision i walked out into the cool air and sat down on the steps leading up to the school. As if it where magic Maggie apeared by my side.

   "you okay?" She asked sitting down next to me, her dress was short and silver, it looked good on her and I couldnt help but to wonder why Luke hadent dumped his girlfriend for her yet.

   "Honestly no." I tryed not to cry as she hugged me. I knew that if i let myself cry I wouldnt be able to stop for a long time. 

   "Well guys are jerks. Wanna go do soemthing else? This dance blows."

   "Ya sure.' we both stood up and walked down the street back to my house not once looking back in fear of seeing Jake with Ella and Luke with his girlfriend.

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