Chapter 4: Repercussions

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Yu and I were waiting in the hospital lobby after the whole villain fiasco, as soon as the ambulance arrived they loaded Y/N up and took him to the hospital. We tried staying with him, but the doctors wouldn't let us go any further, and so right now I was bouncing my knee up and down in worry. For good reason, mind you, those injuries to his body were... intense.

Though now that I think about it, his left arm and face that was frozen in ice kinda looked like Todoroki's hero costume, but a bit more badass looking and minus the red eye. Either way I could guess Yu knew that I was worried since she put her hand on my bouncing knee to steady it.

Yu: Hey, everything's gonna turn out okay. Y/N has went through way worse stuff than this and still pulled through, so why wouldn't he now?

Mina: Yeah... I guess you're right. I'm just naturally worried about him, y'know?

Yu: *Giggles* That's adorable. Just goes to show that you two would make an excellent couple! But I do relate to you on that.

Mina: Aww, thank you!

That is if we actually get together...

After a few minutes of waiting the doctor that was in charge of looking after Y/N came to us, saying that we could visit him now. Thank God! Yu and I wasted no time getting up and we both walked down the long corridor towards one of the rooms Y/N was in.

Mina: I do hope he's feeling better.

Yu: Same, that amount of ice on his arm was no joke. It'd be a miracle if he didn't contract frostbite!

Mina: His right arm also suffered from his quirk... Poor guy's been through a lot in the past week.

I really couldn't help but sympathise for Y/N, in just one week everything's just gone wild for him. We both finally made it to his room, however the doctor, suddenly stopped us before we could go in.

Doctor: I am very sorry for stopping you ladies, but I'm afraid I need to give you two a bit of a run-down on what his current state is. If you don't mind.

Yu: *Shaking her head* Oh no, that's fine!

Mina: *Worried* Please tell us it isn't bad...

Doctor: *Clearing his throat* Okay, so we should probably start with the main problem; Mr. L/N isn't going to be able to move his left arm for a few days-

Yu|Mina: *Eyes widening in shock* WHAT?!

Doctor: *Holds his hands up reassuringly* Calm down, calm down... Yes, as I was saying, his arm has suffered quite a bit of frostbite from that villain's quirk, and we tried all we could to heal it. Even then, he'll have to make a passive recovery on his own.

Mina: I'm no expert or anything, but shouldn't he have gotten off way worse? Seeing as his left side was completely covered in ice?

Doctor: *Chuckle* Well that's the kicker, Mr. L/N barely managed to avoid any serious injury to his left arm, though any longer and he would have most likely lost his arm.

Yu: Well, thank God for that not happening.

Mina: So can we see him now?

Doctor: *Smiles* Certainly!

The man stepped aside and let the two ladies enter the room, inside was quite spacious but then again the ward was meant for six people. They very quickly noticed the teen lying on one of the beds with his eyes closed, and had a black arm cast with yellow lines around his left arm with his right side completely healed from his quirk's drawback. Although, when they reached the hospital the wound had already healed a bit.

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