Chapter 38: Final Ventures (Part 1)

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Alex: Hang on, you want me to do what now?

11:39P.m. To most schools, both students and teachers would've been at their respective homes, or other jobs if they had any at this time. Sleeping was most definitely required for a person's well-being the following day, after all.

For U.A, however, this was simply not the case. Almost all of the teachers were present for a meeting within the conference room, with Nezu sitting in the front and the rest of the teachers along the sides. Remarkably, not one of them was displaying any signs of tiredness, bar Aizawa, and were actually quite lively compared to the peaceful night outside.

Night-Stalker set the papers he was holding down on the table, facing Nezu in particular. He couldn't help but feel like he was the odd one out.

Nezu: *Sighs* Yes, we truly are sorry for calling you on such short notice, but the importance of this is just too much to set aside.

Alex: *Raising a brow* Does this have to do with our newest arrival?

Midnight: Not L/N specifically, but his quirk instead.

Nezu: *Nods in agreement* From what we've gathered about it, from the USJ till now, his nullifying power far exceeds that of Shota's. Unfortunately, this makes the ability extremely incompatible with the upcoming practical exam.

Alex never really bothered that much about    Y/N's revolutionary power, more-so seeing the boy himself for who he was, not what he was, but it did intrigue him when Nezu mentioned incompatibility.

Aizawa: The practical exam is to test the students to see if they can tackle real life scenarios, but mixed with his training and the way his quirk works, it'd just be a waste of time for Y/N. Besides, there's still quite a lot we don't know about it.

Present Mic: And if he were to be partnered up with someone, his other quirk would just make things even more easier for the kid AND the person he's with! *Crossing his arms* Talk about unfair!

Alex: *Sweat drops* Then why don't you face him? I mean, his quirk doesn't affect sound... does it?

Nezu: Sadly, even if we did know if he could nullify loud sounds, we can't possibly go against his medical condition.

Hypersensitivity, a useful yet cursed altercation to have. He could hear even the quietest of sounds, almost rivaling Jiro's quirk, but that can also come at the cost of harming his hearing completely if the sound was loud enough. It was one of many mutations the kid had, neither Crystal nor Aizawa carried it on.

Poor kid, as if the hand he was dealt with wasn't shitty enough.

Before he could speak his thoughts, a teacher Alex had never seen, much less spoken to, raised their hand politely. He had blond hair, with two tufts dangling parallel to eachother, and wore a yellow and thin black stripped suit with a white t-shirt and blue tie. He also seemed to be the only one in the room with black sclera eyes rather than the usual white, which did seem to remind him about that girl  Y/N usually talked about.

"If I may, would it be possible for Young L/N to be paired up against me? I only believe it would tip the scales a lot more." He asked. Alex glazed over the man's features, noticing something quite off when it came to it.

He's... awfully skinny. What's a person like him doing here?

Aizawa: Unfortunately, Midoriya and Bakugou have already been assigned to you, All Might.

Oooooh, that's what he's called... HOLD ON, DID HE JUST SAY ALL MIGHT?!

It took everything in his willpower to suppress the urge of external surprise, but a slight cough was the only thing he couldn't block off. Who could blame him? After all, Alex was sitting right in front of the Symbol of Peace, the Number One Hero of Japan. He couldn't help but internally fan boy over such a prospect.

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