Chapter 18: Catching up

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Sapphire: *Placing her hand on her hip* So does this happen often or...

David: *Surprised* No! Shiggy, what the hell is going on here?! Why is everyone at eachother's throats?!

Okay, to say I wasn't expecting this would be an understatement! Out of all the people Shigaraki could have recruited to our cause he chose Stain?! THE hero killer! A "villain" renowned for killing up to seventeen pro heroes and injuring twenty three to the point of no recovery! All because of his ideology which I can actually understand murdering heroes really the proper way of sending a message?

Stain: Who the hell are you two? More of that fool's pawns brainwashed by his pathetic goal?

David: *Scoffs* The day that happends is the day I'll die. No, I made a deal with... *Motioning his hands to Shigaraki on the floor* him...and the only way that deal can be seen is if he lives so...may you please get off of him?

Shigaraki: I don't need your help Veer, besides, *Grabbing onto Stain's sword as he talks to the weilder* I'll kill you first.

The metal sword slowly began to rust, pieces of it breaking off before the entire blade section turned to dust. David was quite surprised to say the least since he never actually got to see his "bosses" quirk in action.

David: He just decayed that sword like it was nothing! Best stick to long range attacks if I do face off against him.

Shigaraki: You sure talk a lot... Conviction huh? Nah, I've got nothing so grand as convictions, not as much as that brat does anyway...

David: Hey!

Sapphire: Heh, he's not wrong.

Shigaraki: But if I have to say what drives me... I'd say All Might. That piece of garbage and the society that worships him. *Smiling manically* I wanna crush them all into dust! That's my conviction.

The decay user swipes the hero killer, forcing him to jump away while he slowly stands up, scratching his neck with an ominous glare.

Sapphire: *To David* Did you know about at all?

David: *Shaking his head* Nope, had no clue he was gonna do this.

Shigaraki: My wounds from last time had just healed, we don't have a healer in our party y'see. So how about you take some responsibility for what you've done.

Stain: You first...

Shigaraki: Huh?

Stain: Our respective goals couldn't be further apart...but, *Grinning* destroying the status quo? That's one ambition we have in common.

Shigaraki: *Irritated* Get lost! Just go home and die! I'm the type you hate the most or whatever.

Stain: I was testing your sincerity. People show their true colours when death is staring them in the face. You are an odd one, but...your will...I can see the seed of some warped conviction within you...I wonder what that seed will yeild.

David: Probably more hands...

Stain: I'll deal with you properly once I've seen that though. It might not be too late...

Shigaraki: Deal with me? Can't say I really want this crazy guy as a member of our party...

Kurogiri: Tomura Shigaraki, he'll add much more firepower to our efforts! Our negotiations were successful!

Stain: So we're done here then! Send me back to Hosu! There's still something I've got to take care of there...however...

It was so fast that I didn't see it coming, one moment I was looking at the situation unfolding around me then the next I found my neck at the mercy of a sword, a gust of wind hitting me slightly which further demonstrated Stain's immense speed when he launched at me.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now