Chapter 35: Scars of the Past

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David|Eight days after the mid-term results


A blanket of peace and serenity lay itself over the surrounding area that was the Jade Forest, a notable landmark for those who lived near, or in, the city of Kamino. It was another bright, sunny day on this crisp Saturday afternoon, the trees were rustling to the light breeze in the air that blew in from the East, the occasional cherry blossom scattering in response, birds were chirping, and the grass remained anchored to the ground, towered over by the surrounding oak and sakura trees.

It was truely summertime weather, and many took advantage of it.

However, this beautiful serenity that made up the famous landmark was shattered by the sudden gusts of wind, and a familiar yell that followed it.

Multiple trees were blown apart as a former student of the now reformed Seiai Academy crashed through each and every one of them, grunting from the impact. Through the splintered debris walked Sapphire, with her fists tainted grey and raised as she approached the now up and ready David.

Sapphire: Your attacks are too slow. If you're ever hoping to take on the U.A students again then you'll need to be like them; composed, strong and observant.

David: You think I don't know that? *Raising his tendrils* Again.

The two were sparring within the heart of the forest, a place where no one rarely ever goes allowing for the perfect battleground. After the Hosu incident David had wanted to become stronger, a person who could rival the likes of the Top Ten Heroes, and Sapphire was all for it. However, only now did he realise just how different his mother truly was from the outside world.

A fist to the face proved that.

He raised his now yellow quirk in response to her attacks, blocking and dodging each one. One would think that strength would mean offensive capability, but defence was just as important if not more. And both of them wanted to capitalize it as Sapphire's punches came at an ever-increasing pace, a pace David would have to match.

Sapphire: Good, quick thinking and awareness is exactly the skill you'll need to have. However...

As David blocked another grey punch, which did hurt like hell thanks to its trophic level of four, something that was included to increase the boy's pain tolerance, Sapphire swiped his feet, making him lose balance and fall to the dirty ground.

Sapphire: You still need to be observant, adapting to the battlefield is essential if you want to win.

She offered him a lift up and he took it. Their relationship was still a bit rocky, David didn't exactly hate his mother as much as he did prior to their meeting but he still held a bit of resentment towards her. And each punch towards him reminded him of that unfaithful past.

He didn't exactly care much for her former hero status, seeing as how it was more of a benefit than a hindrance he saw no need to really criticise her for it. Though, that didn't stop him from being curious as she watched the orange-haired woman flick her wrists slightly.

David: *Sighs* Hey, Sapphire?

It slightly pained her that he didn't address her by her parental status, but she looked at him nonetheless.

Sapphire: What is it?

David: Before you... left the hero industry, what was your ranking on the index?

Sapphire: My ranking? *Ponders* Hmm, well, I was well-known at the time, but thanks to the jobs I did I never really had much of my heroics recorded.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now