Chapter 28: Aftermath (Part 2)

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Todoroki: Y/N, will you just hold still? You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be.

Y/N: *Winces* Then don't be so rough!

Midoriya: Y'know, you're actually surprisingly light... *Notices his friend's height* and small too!

Y/N: *Rolling his eyes* Just hurry up alrea- *A spark of pain erupts from his leg as he is set down on one of the spare gurneys* OW! I said gently, Shou!

He soon felt the soft fabric of the hospital bed as his friends finally managed to hoist him onto the device, with little difficultly regarding his aforementioned weight by Midoriya. Seconds after his collapse onto the floor, Midoriya and Todoroki rushed to help him, given what he had been through it came as no surprise that they would do that. But Y/N continued to feel off as he briefly spaced out from reality itself, almost paying no mind to what was around him.

Which did not seem to go unnoticed.

Midoriya: *He taps him on the shoulder* Y/N? You okay? If you want, I could get you a-

Y/N: *Shaking his head* N-no! *Coughs* I mean, it's all right Midoriya, I'm fine.

Todoroki: You don't seem that way, are you sure?

He sat up from his bed, groaning to himself as he looked at his childhood friend with a smile.

Y/N: Yep! All good!

"I'm relived that's the case. I couldn't bear watching another one of my classmates suffer at the hands of a villain." Chirped in a voice from across the room. Y/N's eyes grew wide as he quickly turned around, with a bit of effort, to see if who spoke those words was actually there.

And they were.

No way!

From his signature glasses, to his authorative like voice, Y/N couldn't believe who he was seeing. He sure as hell wasn't expecting the class representative of Class 1-A to be in the same room as Midoriya and Todoroki, of all people.

Y/N: *Shocked* I-I-Iida?! You're here too?!

Iida: *Puzzled* You didn't know? Weren't you with Midoriya when the attack started?

Y/N: I was... But I told him to go ahead and- *Gasps* Oh my gosh, *He looks back and forth between the trio* w-what the hell...*L/N quickly spots their wounds* happened to you three?!

Todoroki: *Looking at his bandaged left arm* We had a run-in...with the Hero Killer.

Silence befell the occupied room. All three of them had certainly not forgotten about their encounter with Stain, otherwise known as the Hero Killer. Even Y/N, who was not present at the time, was taken aback, not uttering a single word as shock filled his own damaged body.

Surprisingly, it was Midoriya who was the first to speak about the dark encounter.

Midoriya: *Sighs* We barely managed to get by against his attacks, he didn't even hesitate for a second against us. His quirk, as weird as it sounds, was one that could paralyze an individual by merely ingesting their blood. It doesn't matter how much he takes, one drop and it's all over.

No wonder why he carries so many blades, each one has the potential to activate his quirk.

To think that my friends went up against such a visicious villain...

Todoroki: We were lucky that Midoriya had Type O blood, otherwise we all would've perished that night.

Midoriya: C-come on, Todoroki, you know that's not true!

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