Chapter 42: A Rabbit's Pink Bunny

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"Hey, Y/N!" Mina shouted to her fellow-horned friend, catching his attention and making him turn around at the sound of his name being called. "Be sure to stay out of trouble!"

Y/N chuckled at her demand, almost shaking his head. "I should be saying that to you! But then again, you are trouble." He joked, making her gasp dramatically.

"How dare you!" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Mina was quick to deny her friend's claim. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at her response, before he turned around with a farewell wave. "Well, I suppose we should get going now. See you soon, Mina!" He said, prompting her to do the same.

"Cya!" Mina waved back, clutching her own hero case as she watched Y/N leave for his own train.

That was the last time she spoke to him in person as Mina watched the surroundings around her become nothing but a blur. As with most public transport, the trains the students were meant to board all left at different times, and Mina just so happened to be next after her friend once he finally departed. Luckily she managed to say goodbye to most of her friends beforehand, otherwise Mina would've felt quite bothered about leaving without a proper farewell.

The pinkette sighed to herself, it had already been ten minutes since the train departed from Musutafu city yet she was already feeling bored out of her mind. All she really had was her phone, her hero case that splayed out her student number in green, and her thoughts, so she decided to just rest her head on her hand and watch the landscape fly by.

This incidentally led to thinking about why she was on that bullet train in the first place.

I really, really can't believe Mirko scouted me for the internships! I swear she was gonna pick someone like Bakugou but I guess someone with a short temper can put off anybody.

Speaking of which, why did she pick me? I didn't even do that well in the Sports Festival after beating Y/N yet I still got a ton of offers! Was it because of his new quirk? Did people believe that was my actual power?

Mina began to feel a little doubtful, her expression dropping to that of a gloomy one. And the question was completely reasonable, some heroes could've completely believed that Y/N had no part to play in her crazy burst of power, so she worried that if Mirko believed that too then she'd be very disappointed to see Mina not able to replicate that same output.

Worse yet, she's the Number Six Hero! One of the Top Ten Heroes across the entirety of Japan to be exact! Even if my quirk wasn't an issue, would she even like me in the first place? Could I even impress someone like her?! I've seen Mirko on TV a few times, but I'm sure she must have high standards.

The train bumped and twisted over the rails and corners, almost completely filled to the brim with people yet without the people she wanted on it with her. With more and more questions looming on her mind, Mina began to bounce her knee up and down, groaning to herself at the possibilities she was thinking of. But only one seemed to stick out to her.


She hated the possibility of disappointing Mirko's choice in her, and she was very firm in believing that there were those in Class 1-A that deserved to be under her guidance more than Ashido herself. Mina sighed to herself once again, all that thinking regardless of what it was started to make her quite sleepy, so she took off her blazer and rested it on the table in a somewhat neat bundle before deciding to take a small nap.


Mina: *Lightly snoring* Mmm... Pancakes...

"Now arriving at; Hiroshima city, Hiroshima Prefecture." An automatic feminine voice rung throughout the built-in speakers within the train, kindly waking the tired girl from her nap. Mina yawned softly, looking out the window she could see the aforementioned city come into view as the train left the Japanese countryside and enter the well-known city.

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