Chapter 36: My Hero

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I've always heard many different questions in regards to how people live their lives. It was a common curiosity, after all, and humans just can't help but be that way.

Y/N looked out towards the sky-blue ocean that surrounded the coastal city of Musutafu, waves that spawned from its tide crashed against the cliffs he sat upon and the sky itself was painted in a redish-orange hue across the horizon, signaling that night was soon approaching and that the day was soon to be over.

June 22nd, Monday, the day of the summer solstice... The last time that happened was over two hundred years ago.

How fitting for a day like this.

Seeing as how it was the solstice, the temperature was unsurprisingly hot for a time like this, even in the evening the warmth was still ever-present. Y/N didn't mind this at all, it was bearable and he almost seemed to welcome the slight tinge in heat as a gentle breeze flowed between the gap in his black horns.

How long has it been now? Two months? They say time flies when you're having fun but when it comes to this sort of thing it seems dead slow... Of course, that isn't a bad thing.

Even after all this time, Y/N still hadn't managed to obtain a new phone ever since his old one was completely destroyed back in Hosu. He still had the card for it though, but he didn't seem to care that much for it as he laid his head back against the lone cherry blossom tree behind him. This spot was quite notorious because of it, the tree and its scenery behind it, depending on what time it was, created quite the lovely atmosphere.

And a setting that would bind people together closer than they ever were before.

What makes a human happy? Money? Fame? Family? So many answers to just one single question, and only one that seems to correlate to myself...

I just want to feel loved.

He checked his watch for the time. 8:30P.m. A slight tinge of worry began to build up in his chest as he saw the time, though that's not to say he wasn't anxious already.

Who wouldn't be when it came to a question any person would hope to ask?

True, when it comes to family and friends they'll love you just like that. But not in that way...

School had ended over four hours ago, and that allowed Y/N to get ready and properly prepared before he made it to this spot, both physically and mentally. He wore some casual clothing, nothing too flashy, and awaited the reason as to why he was beside the lone sakura tree in the first place.

Scarlet: Look, I'm not going to ruin your little mood or anything, but what if this whole thing backfires? You're not exactly what I would call... confident... in this area of expertise.

Confident or not, there's no use in not trying. And if it does backfire? At least I'll have the joy in knowing I did something out of my comfort zone.

His manifestation didn't say anything else after that, it may be cheeky but at least it knew how to respect its host's boundaries. With that, Y/N continued staring off into the sea in hopes of calming the butterflies within his stomach. In truth, this day would be life changing, for better or for worse, and when he heard the distinct sound of footsteps further down the small hill that led to the tree behind him, Y/N knew that this was not an opportunity to screw up.

"Phew, I'm finally here! Y/N? You there? Sorry I took so long, the traffic was super heavy." Exclaimed an unmistakable voice, just hearing it was enough to make his heart pound heavily as he got up from grassy patch he once sat upon and walked around the tree to meet her.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now