Chapter 16: Like mother, like son

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David|A day after the sports festival

The city of Kamino was that of a busy one, people were going about their daily lives as the mutant quirk user walked amongst them, his face covered slightly by his cap so the people and heroes wouldn't recognize him.

He was a villain after all.

David: The Jade forest, honestly it's quite poetic to find myself at the very place where my father faught her, I always thought she was dead but I guess not...for now.

Yes I am a villain, but that doesn't mean I'm immediately a murderer nonono. Killing people is the last thing I want to do but there are a few exceptions to that, I only became a villain because it would put me in the spotlight and help spread my ideology to the world.

And then there are those who stand in my way, I don't want to kill them either but Y/N and Ashido? They're the exceptions along with my mother.

Random person: HEY, STOP THAT GUY!

David: *Turning around* Huh?

A man, probably in his thirties, was running off with a woman's purse as she was calling for help. Though they weren't expecting it as quickly as they did as the thief was quickly knocked out by none other than David who used his quirk to boost his speed.

David: *Handing her the purse* Here you go miss, better be careful next time.

Woman: Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done! *Tilting her head* Are you a hero?

Instead of answering the question, David just turned around and walked away and back on track to the Jade forest but not before turning around slightly...

David: Absolutely not.

And walked on.

I wonder how long it would've taken someone to get there? By the time they did that thief would've already escaped, that's why I hate the laws so much, so much could be prevented but nooooo, only heroes can do that stuff because screw you that's why!

The Jade forest was located south of the city but even then it was still a fair bit away from the edge of it, the forest itself was dense with vegetation and according to local rumors a massive beast hunted on those who strayed too far from the path but David immediately knew that the rumor was exaggerated.

David: Sapphire does have a strong quirk, it's how I got mine and her special move makes it all the more deadly.

Underestimating her would be the worst mistake I'll make in my life.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Bakugou insulting eachother

David: Welp, now what? Do I just go in?

It took an hour to get here but I couldn't risk getting spotted on any public transport or give off the wrong impression so I just had to resort to walking. Now I was looking at the entrance of the Jade forest and was wondering what to do.

David: *Sigh* Fuck it.

He puts his hands in his pockets and walks inside the forest, keeping to the path for awhile as he made his way deeper into the forest before deciding to cut off from it completely. As he did so the dense vegetation immediately blocked his way but with precise strikes from his green tendrils, he cut his way through it with ease while also keeping the animals in mind too.

David: I May be a "villain" but I've got standards, animals ain't doing anything to me so I won't do anything to them. Now where do I- Whoa!

His foot gets caught on a piece of wood which made him trip but he stabs his four tendrils into the ground to stop himself from falling but immediately sees a wooden sign covered up in dirt. He kneels down and picks it up, wiping the dirt away before reading the words displayed on it.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now