Chapter 5: Finding a Motivation

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I could feel the sun's rays beam on my skin. Flickering my eyes open I groaned to myself since I wanted to sleep on but seeing that I was already up, I knew getting back to sleep was futile. I moved my left arm to rub my eyes, but I felt a small sting pulse from it and that was when I remembered that my left side was quite injured from the frost.

I went to rub them with my right arm instead but only then did I realise that there was some foreign weight on my chest, so I looked down and saw a ball of pink hair on my chest. Under the red and black striped quilt.

Y/N felt his face burn red.

Oh my God, not again! Alright, Y/N, calm down... calm down. Just stay still and hope that you don't repeat what you did at your house-

Hold on... is she... even wearing anything?!

He tried moving his legs slightly to answer that question but only felt her more-than-healthier thighs and nothing else except her undergarments. He could also feel a noticable pressure on his body. He was shocked to say the least.

W-what the hell is she doing in here and wearing so little clothing?! I mean yeah, at least I won't grope her this time and she came to sleep with me so... in the end it's her fault. Right?

Seeing as he didn't want to wake her, Y/N decided to just wait for her to wake up normally, which she did a few minutes later, albeit a bit slowly.

Mina: *Groaning as her eyes flutter open* Ugh, what time is it...?

She then realised the situation she was in, looking around the room she noticed that it wasn't hers. Mina looked down to see herself laying on top of someone and she very much knew who it was.

Mina: Um... why am I on top of Y/N? I don't recall coming into this room. I mean, it is comfortable as hell. Come to think of it I actually had a really good sleep compared to the past couple of days!

She saw the boy with his eyes closed so she took the opportunity and lifted herself up before falling back on top of him. That very much jolted him awake as he gasped for air while sitting up.

Y/N: *Panting* What the... hell... was that?!

Though he did look around frantically, he stopped when he heard a burst of laughter come from right next to him as he noticed Mina laughing hysterically into his chest.


Ashido didn't reply as she was still too busy laughing her ass off which just made Y/N look at her in annoyance, but eventually she stopped.

Mina: *Wiping a tear from her eye* Whoo, that was hilarious!

Y/N: Mina, what on earth are you doing here?!

Mina: Huh? Oh I don't know, I thought I was in my own room! *Eyes him suspiciously* Did you pull a sneaky and bring me in here?

Y/N: N-no! The only thing I remember is falling asleep in the taxi!

Mina: Oh, and how can I believe you~?

She leaned towards him with a seductive smirk on her face, using her hands she pushed herself above him, effectively pinning him to the bed. Y/N was unsurprisingly blushing like crazy, looking around frantically but couldn't go anywhere. Even though he could probably move her, for some reason he didn't. It also took him every ounce of his being to not stare at her... chest.

Y/N: M-Mina?! W-what's g-g-gotten into you?!

Mina: I'm not sure if you are telling the truth but I'm sure you would have wanted this either way~

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now