Chapter 31: From Bad to Worse

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Warning: Mentions of depression (as if you didn't know that) and suicidal thoughts. Please do not read if you are in any way uncomfortable.

Note: Chapter 30's title, From Bad to Worse, will be swapped to this one.


That was all there was after he popped the big question. Not a single sound was uttered nor created. The atmosphere was thick with tension, so thick you could cut with a knife as Y/N waited patiently for his aforementioned question to be answered.

His eyes were dead centered onto the man that he proclaimed to be his father, one that he had never seen nor talked to in his earlier years yet the links were more than enough proof to form a solid conclusion. Aizawa had not said anything of value as of yet, merely sighing as crossed his arms, but the tired look that was once ever-present on his face was now gone.

Y/N: Well...?

There was no point in wasting time, it would've just made things worse than they already were...

As if things couldn't possibly get any worse anyway.

Aizawa: How long did you know?

I guess that fucking proves it then.

Y/N: To be honest? Not long. It was only after Hosu did I actually begin thinking about the possibility. But to think that he was right... *Glares* Everyday I spent at this school you watched over me; you watched the child that was your own son, a son that was completely oblivious to what was the truth. And in each of those instances you could've... you could've said something!

He was far past his quiet side now, opting to finally open up about what would've been a simple conversation.

Although, this was what the meeting was actually going to be like, just a bit more... controlled.

Aizawa: I know.

Y/N: So why didn't you? Better yet, how long were actually waiting to tell me?

Aizawa: *Sighs* Ever since you arrived. I was originally going to tell you a few days after the internships were over, but waiting any longer would've just made things worse.

That's when the laughing began.

But this wasn't the laugh from someone who was cheerful...

Rather, it was from someone who had previously lost everything in their life.

Y/N: Are... Are you serious? Waiting any longer would've made things... worse? *Scoffs* As if it wasn't already bad enough!

Aizawa: Y/N, if you would just let me explain then-

An interuptive slam cut him off as Y/N stood up from his chair and put both hands on his desk. If it were any other instance, Aizawa would've certainly punished the boy for doing such a thing.

But, even if he were to do so, Y/N wouldn't have given a damn.

Y/N: No! Right here, right now, you listen to what I have to say! You listen to the very person you left for SIXTEEN years and come to see why you shouldn't have!

Aizawa could tell that he was holding back, the look on Y/N's livid face proved that much.

Y/N: What could there have been to explain as to why you couldn't tell me, huh!? You had sixteen years to say that you were my father, but no! You just sat back and watched as your own flesh and blood lived through their world of hell!!

It was surprising to see the teacher not utter a single word, whether it was because of regret, grief, or even fear, no one could tell.

He just sat there and prepared for the shitstorm that was about to go down.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now