Chapter 39: Final Ventures (Part 2)

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"Oh, you have got to be joking me!"

"Come on, you guys! I didn't mean to come in that way!"

"'Come in that way'? Kirishima, you literally just shouted, "WHAT'S UP, GUYS! WHAT DID I MISS!?" and expected us not to react the way we just did?"

"Well, I guess the vending machine has someone to die with now... Is that good?"

"No, Mina. It is not."

Now, for the outside observer, they would probably be wondering what the hell was going in this given moment? How could chaos erupt from such a peaceful and laid back room thanks to the redhead that was Ejiro Kirishima? Well... it's a long story.

After Team "TodoMomo," Mina really liked coming up with partner names, there was a momentary break between the fifth and sixth matches, despite those that hadn't went yet already having a significant time to rest anyway. During this break, Kirishima, who was still upset about his own team getting absolutely demolished by the teacher that was Cementoss, decided he wanted to know where his other "squad mates" were located. And thus, being the curious redhead that he was, he tried to find out.

It took him a while, the building's corridors were like the arms of a maze, almost getting lost in them on more than one occasion, but with the help of his manly determination, Ejiro was able to locate the room the trio were located in. Though this was probably due to the amount of noise they were making after the aforementioned match against Aizawa.

Now, any reasonable person would knock before entering an occupied room, unless it's someone's parents, who just waltz right in regardless if they care or not, but Kirishima... He took a different approach. In one, single moment, when the trio had finally begun to calm down, he simply went up to the door and kicked it open. Not down, thankfully, open. And it could not have been more badly timed as he yelled the phrase, "WHAT'S UP, GUYS! WHAT DID I MISS?!" as stated by Y/N.

There was screaming. Panicked screaming, high-pitched screaming, mostly from horned students, and terrified screaming. This all happened when Y/N and Kaminari were about to sit down, whilst Ashido went to salvage something from the remnants of the vending machine, an action that couldn't have been more wrongly timed. Y'see, thanks to Kirishima, Mina accidentally activated her quirk, she didn't know if it was out of fight-or-flight, or something else, but it was enough to do so. She flailed her arms in a panic and accidentally flung a string of the corrosive substance straight through the television they were using minutes prior. Not on it, straight through it. This action effectively destroyed it, and their hopes of watching the next match.

Which brings us to the matter at hand, with Y/N, Kaminari and Mina all being simultaneously angry at Ejiro, and Ejiro himself being extremely apologetic.

Kirishima: *Rubbing his neck sheepishly* Okay, okay, I guess I did go a little far with my entrance.

Mina: *Whines* A little? Now we can't watch the other matches anymore!

Kaminari: *Chuckles* Pfft, but did you really need to activate your quirk? I mean, it's ONLY Kirishima.

Kirishima: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!

Y/N: *Shrugs* You're friendly?

Mina: I couldn't help it! It just went woosh, then splat! Besides, what if it was Aizawa?

Y/N: Unless they managed to get him out of that nitinol scarf that quickly... No, there would've been no way it was him.

Kaminari: I don't know what you just said, but I'm just gonna say it was facts.

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