Betty's house
Betty sat up in the living room. "Morning sleepyhead." Polly said coming into the living room in a knitted jumper and some leggings with fluffy socks. The twins looked pretty cute as well they were in a fluffy onesie with some cute snow boots. "Betty are you visiting Archie today?" Polly asked. She shook her head. Polly was taken aback but asked no further questions. It was a Saturday and Betty didn't feel like going anywhere but they had no breakfast. "Shall I grab us a breakfast from Pops?" She offered. "I already ordered on the phone." Polly said. Betty relaxed but still felt freezing although the heater was on until full blast and the fireplace was roaring. "Betty you didn't change your clothes from yesterday so I say have a hot bath and wear your onesie from last year since it's winter." Polly offered. Betty did as she said meanwhile..Hospital
"Archibald Andrews you are free to go home." A nurse said. Archie sighed with relief but dreaded the bus ride on the way home. "Hello lover!" Veronica bursted in with balloons, flowers and chocolates and even stuffed animals! Archie laughed. "I'm dropping you off home and at home I have some high end breakfast flown in from New York." Veronica smiled kissing Archie. "None of that now." The nurse squirmed. "Also don't ever mention it again but I paid for your hospital bill." Veronica winked. Archie thought he had the best girlfriend ever. "We should tell Betty I got released!" Archie said. "Oh I already did but she said she didn't want to come." Veronica said checking out of the hospital. "Really?" He said. "Yep she's helping Polly out again." Veronica said opening the car door for him. Archie shrugged and let Veronica drive him. "Ronnie I'm a bit tired..can you take me home?" Archie yawned. "Yes archiekins!" She said happily. Veronica dropped Archie off home. "Archie let me just take this call!" She said. What felt like an eternity later, Veronica came back in the room. "I'm so sorry but I have this thing at the speakeasy." She said putting on her thick black coat. He nodded. "I'll be back 2 hours tops." She said planting a kiss on his lips. He puckered his lips back. "Bye!" She said wiggling her manicured nails at Archie. As soon as she left the whole house was quiet. He was hungry so food was his only recovery right then and there.Betty's house
Betty went downstairs when she heard the doorbell ring. She felt more comfortable in her fresh clean clothes and felt warm. Her and Polly had a beautiful breakfast of plain pancakes, eggs and some hot chocolate with extra marshmallows because Polly was feeling generous. She ended up cancelling the order from Pops because she wanted to cook instead. "I'm gonna head upstairs and just watch a movie if you need me you know where I'll be." She said. Betty sat in her room and watched a movie she picked out. She heard a knock on her door. "B I'm gonna go grocery shopping since we have nothing for lunch I won't be long and I'll take the twins since I need to buy them some new winter clothes." Polly said. Betty nodded. "Ok I'll stay here." She gestured. They both laughed. "Call if you need anything!" Polly said and headed out the door. Betty washed up the dishes and cleaned the counter. Polly knows how to make a mess that's for sure. She heard a key turn. Could she be back already. Betty walked over to the door getting ready to unload the shopping bags. But it wasn't Polly. It was Archie of all people. "Arch..Hi!" She said but inside she was breaking. The longer she spoke to him the harder it was to lie to him. He's her best friend she's meant to tell him everything.
"Hey betty!" He said smiling. He looked healthy. Betty looked up and down. He was almost back to normal just a few scrapes here and there.
"Welcome home." She said smiling. It was sort of a forced smile but she was happy to see him ok. "My dad isn't home neither is my mom so can I crash here?" He asked putting his bag down. Betty couldn't say no. She needed this sleepover. "Why not." She smiled but it was strained. "Thanks the Pembroke didn't really feel like home and home alone didn't either so I thought why not come to my second home?" He laughed putting his bag down. "So what do you want to do?" Betty gingerly said sitting on the edge of the couch. "Horror or rom com?" Archie said flickering through Netflix. Betty couldn't stomach a horror movie but she hated Rom coms because they were so sappy. "Oh my god I'm so dumb obviously mystery!" Archie exclaimed. Betty smiled. "I'll get some snacks." Betty said getting up in the kitchen and opening the treat drawer. We had Archie's favourite candy. Mike and Ike. She came out of the kitchen. "Here your favourite!" Betty said throwing a packet to Archie. He grinned from ear to ear. As they watched the movie on the couch, Archie dozed off on Betty's shoulder. I got up gently and let him rest on the couch and covered him up since it was freezing. I heard my cell phone ring. It was Veronica. Oh boy...The Pembroke
"Hey B."
"Hey Veronica.."
"Listen I'm sorry for acting like such a jealous bitch in the hospital."
"It's ok I guess?"
"Betty where are you?"
"At home?"
"Oh I heard someone call your name, like a deep voice?"
"V I know you said I spend too much time for him Archie wanted to stay for a sleepover.."
"A sleepover?!"
"It wasn't planned he just sort of showed up and I couldn't kick his ass to the curb.."
"Well he's not your boyfriend so why would he spend the night with you?"
"V he's crashing on the couch as if I would do that."
"Does Jughead know about your little get together."
"Unlike you Jughead trusts me enough."
"Well I can't since you two have a sketchy history.."
"Goodbye Veronica!" Betty hung up on her.Veronica sat on the edge of her bed. She's not sure how she felt about their sleepover. Like there's a limit for best friends. What if they sleep together or kiss again. Veronica shakily drank her cup to tea. Since none of her parents were here and Smithers was running an errand for them she was home alone. She wanted Archie to feel as if he was home. She was baffled on why he felt more at home in a pink fluffy bedroom than a contemporary modern room.
Betty's house
Betty went to the living room. "Arch did you call?" She asked. She walked very slowly in case he was still sleeping. "What time is it?" He groaned. "5:00pm you had like a 3 hour nap." Betty explained. "Oh well thanks for getting me blankets and stuff." He said. Betty smiled indicated she meant it was no problem. Archie gave her a smile back. The door opened and Polly bursted in. "Oh I didn't know we had a guest." She said. "I'll help you with those." Archie offered. He went into the kitchen. "He's crashing for a couple days so be nice!" Betty hissed but her and Polly giggled. Betty got a call. From Jughead."Hey Betty."
"Hey Jug."
"Can I come over?"
"Sure also Archie's here to crash on the couch tonight since he's alone and no one is home."
"Cool I'll see you in an hour."Another knock on the door. Ok Jughead can't ride that fast. She opened the door. It was Veronica...