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Veronica POV
I woke up at the crack of dawn. I slept very lightly because I was thinking about how to make amends with Betty and Archie. Well Archie because Betty is on the route of forgiving me. It was Saturday so I could buy things from the store for the baby. I made myself a big breakfast and got dressed. I picked up my cell phone and called Jughead. "Morning sunshine!" I beamed. Jughead groaned on the other side of the phone. "Ugh what time is it."
"It's Saturday."
"Then why did you wake me up?"
"Because we are hosting a baby shower for Betty."
"I hate to remind you, me and Betty aren't on amazing terms with Archie as well."
"Well let's change that Jughead it's senior year, the last place we will all be together."
"Do we even know if she's going to keep the baby?"
"Well this is the perfect way to decide."
"Ugh I'll be there in 15."
"10 and see you soon toodles!" I squealed at my own master plan. "Smithers can you drive me to the gift store?" I yelled and headed out

Jughead POV
I rolled out of bed and got washed and dressed. I thought about this baby shower and if that's what Betty wants. The last baby shower in Riverdale was Polly Cooper's and that was the day everyone found out my dad was a south side Serpent. Wow good memories. I didn't know what terms me and Archie were on considering the fact we were talking the other day but he's very blunt and cold. I should apologise. I'll talk to him at this baby shower Veronica is hosting. I rode my motorcycle to the Pembroke and saw Veronica heading out with Smithers. "Veronica!" I hopped off the bike. "Jug I'm gonna go get some things for the baby shower and I already organised a caterer." She explained greeting my with a peck on the lips. "What about invites?" I asked her. "Well I already made a guest list and sent out invites." Veronica handed me a piece of paper with a list of names. "Wow that's a lot of Betty's house that big?" I pointed out. "It'll be held at the Pembroke." Veronica smiled as she said this. "Ok well don't want to be that guy but you and Betty aren't talking so how are you going to get Betty from her house to yours?" I asked her. "Well I'm almost on the way to fix things with her so it shouldn't be too bad." I was stunned. I knew Betty was forgiving but not that forgiving. "Um ok." I answered. I hoped this baby shower works.

Veronica POV
After buying everything I needed from the store I needed to make one final stop. "Smithers take us to Elm's street." I politely asked. "I thought this baby shower was at 6?" Jughead asked me. "We gotta try talk to Archie." I sighed thinking about how I'm dreading talking to him. Once we pulled up I entered through the door. "V we can't enter just like that." Jughead said stopping me but I pulled him in. "What the hell?" Archie walked down the stairs. "Just hear us out?" Jughead interrupted him. "What's all that you're carrying Ron- Veronica?" Archie slipped up with the nickname. It was clear he still loved her. "We are hosting a baby shower!" Veronica announced. "For who?" Archie played dumb obviously he knew. "Betty you ghoul." I said. "Guys that's so inappropriate she doesn't even know if she wants to kid." Archie whispered closing the door. "Yeah well it might her feel supported if we are all there for her." I rebutted. "'s not my choice but fine just count me out of this scheme." Archie warned. "Well does being at this baby shower count as being part of it." Jughead asked him. "Fine I'll be there not a second earlier than 6." Archie sighed. "Thanks Archiekins!" I smiled. I could feel Jughead tense up. "What?" I broke the tension. "We aren't dating anymore." Archie pointed out. "So..aren't we friends?" I asked. Archie shook his head. "We are just exes who talk." He said and gestured at the door. "Ok bye ex who I talk to." I imitated him. There was a brief laugh but he shut the door.

Archie POV
This baby shower idea is nuts. I don't know how they will pull it off. I looked at Betty's window and snuck up her drainpipe and knocked on the window again. I knew she was home because she left a rip through the newspaper so I could see her through it and I saw her bringing in a tray of food. I watched her mother leave to the grocery store so we have a good half an hour together. Betty opened her window and I slipped in again. "Hey." I whispered. "You don't have to whisper my mom isn't home." Betty said. "What if she is?" I whispered again. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Betty softly spoke. How does she switch up her voice like that. I was shocked when she said that but I played along to make things interesting. "Maybe." I softened my voice. "Is it working?" I continued. She edged closer to me sending shivers down my spine but I remained calm. "That's for me to know." She answered. "Is it for me to find out?" I asked her as she moved more closer to me on her soft frilly bed her bare thighs grazing mine. "Woah your good at this." Betty switched back to her normal voice. "I know I've had practise." I winked at her. She slapped me on my ribs. "Where did you learn to talk like that?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "You don't want to know." She replied. "I think I do." I answered. "I'll show you tomorrow." She winked.

Betty POV
After our little seducing game, we watched on my laptop for like 15 minutes. I heard mom's key turn. "My cue to exit!" Archie whispered. We both couldn't take whispering serious after what happened but we managed to keep it serious. We didn't want my mom to hear us. "Bye." I quickly threw my arms around his neck and he climbed down. "Elizabeth I bought you some new nightwear and some underwear." Mom bursted into my room. "Um ok." I didn't really know how to respond to that. "Also you've been invited to the Pembroke you got some invitation on the doorstep to come with me and Polly." Mom added. "Aren't you going to check if Archie was invited." I mumbled. "He was..but I trust you." Mom winced. I wanted to scream and dance when I was told I could see Archie in public but I held it together. "I knew you would say yes so I bought you a silk dress." Mom revealed the dress. It looked..scandalous but I loved it. I quickly took bath, curled my hair and did my makeup. I put on the dress. It felt amazing on me. I haven't felt like this in forever. Mom drove me to the Pembroke and I headed inside. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled from inside. It was the last thing I expected. A baby shower..

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