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Veronica POV
"Archie I know it sounds bad-." I began. "Don't even bother!" He yelled. "Archie I love you please don't-!" He walked away. Jughead sighed clutching his beanie. "I think it's best if we take a break." He finally said to break the silence. I nodded understanding what he meant. Despite everything he managed to smile. That's what I love about him. I smiled back and walked off.

Betty POV
"Betty!" I heard Archie running after me. I couldn't be bothered to run away from him. I couldn't be bothered to act like everything was ok. I saw Archie and fell into his arms breathing in his cologne that hit me right in the back of my throat. I sobbed on his shirt although I knew he felt my pain. "Shhh." He said into my hair kissing my head like he used to do when were little. We were in the football stands. Archie rubbed my back in circular motion. I gasped for air as I cried into his shirt even more. Thank god it was black so it didn't show. I cried until there was no moisture left and I looked up at Archie. "I'm sorry Arch." I wiped my eyes. "For what B?" He softly leaned in again. "Wetting your shirt." I pointed at his chest but accidentally touched his well built torso. We both tensed. "It's ok Betty it needed a wash anyway." He said wiping my eyes with the cuffs. He sat on the stands and I sat next to him. "How come you're not that bothered." I asked Archie. "I fell out of love with Veronica recently." Archie admitted. "Why are you in love with someone else?" I sniffled. "No!" Archie replied. "Oh ok." I said smiling. Archie pretended to wring out his black shirt. We both giggled feebly. "I thought me and Jug were in a good place." I sighed. Archie put his hand on my thigh and gripped it. "He's a bastard for leaving you." Archie said holding onto my thigh tightly. My body felt warm as I looked down at his hand. We both smiled.

Archie POV
Me and Betty sat on the bleachers my hand on her thigh. We both smiled warmly at each other. My hand on her thigh felt so right and just fit like a jigsaw puzzle. We sat watching the football players run out. "I gotta bounce." I said rushing off. I smiled as I ran off I completely forgot about practise. "Wait for me here Betty!" I called out.

Betty POV
I waited for Archie and watched him play football. I haven't seen him play since Jason Blossom died. My stomach felt really queasy. I felt as if I was going to be sick. This was a feeling recently and I had to pee a lot. I didn't know what that meant perhaps it was the aftermath of my fever. I watched Archie tackle and run with the ball. I was the only person on the stands and I clapped and cheered for him once he scored. It was very cliche but I enjoyed watching him a best friend! He got changed and ran towards me sitting next to me. "I couldn't help but notice you're admiration towards me." He mocked flipping his ginger locks. "Oh stop it!" I chuckled slapping his shoulder. "You hungry?" He asked. Strangely I was although I had a sub whilst watching Archie play. "Yeah." I said clutching my stomach. "Weren't you eating that giant sandwich?" He asked me tilting his head. "Yeah but it wasn't enough." I said truthfully enough. We headed to Pop's and ordered hamburgers and fries.

Archie POV
"Hey can I have a large hamburger and large fries?" I asked the waitress. We avoided Veronica because we knew she worked only morning and evening shift and we were there in the afternoon. I looked at Betty. "You've never ordered large." I pointed out. Betty shrugs "I was just hungry." She said. Something was strange with her. Once we got our food Betty wolfed it down which was even more weird because I would be the one eating like that and she's normally very dainty. She finished her food in 5 minutes! "Arch are you gonna eat the rest of that?" She asked me biting her lower lip nervously. "Help yourself Betty." She took the rest of my fries and that was when she was full. "I'm just gonna go and wash my hands." Betty said getting up. Once she came back I reached from across the booth to take both of her hands. "B are you ok?" I asked her.

Betty POV
When Archie asked me if I'm ok I didn't know what to say. He said it with genuine concern and he said it so softly. I nodded and smiled. "Why are you eating double your body size?" He asked me. "I'm just..trying to gain weight." I lied. I couldn't tell him I was just hungry because then he wouldn't believe me. "You're fine just the way you are B." He said letting go of my hands. I smiled at him. "Let's go Arch." I said getting up from the booth. We headed to Archie's house. The queasy feeling returned once we headed up to his bedroom. "Arch can I use the bathroom?" I asked clutching my stomach. He nodded. I ran to the bathroom and was sick for the third time today. Archie heard me retching because I had no time to close the door. "Right I'm taking you to the doctor." He said taking my hand. "No!" I exclaimed. "Betty you've peed 4 times today and it's not even 2:00 you've puked 3 times there's something going on!" He said pulling me to the car. "I can't go!" I shivered. "Betty just do it for me!" Archie said. I couldn't say no. "Fine but they will just say it's normal." I said as we drove. Once we got there and the doctor came, Archie blurted out all my 'symptoms' to my doctor. The doctor nodded. He took out a needle. "Miss roll up your sleeve." He said. "What are you doing to me?" I shook like a leaf but Archie took a hold of my hand. He collected my blood and sent it to a lab. "You will get called back here in two days after we get the results." He dismissed us and we left.

Archie POV
"You know how much I hate needles!" Betty yelled. "B it was for the best." I explained. "I need to pee..again!" She shouted running to the hospital restroom. "You see!" I said waiting outside the woman's restroom. I was really worried about the results but I had to stay strong. "Betty hurry up!" I yelled. She came out looking pale. "You ok?" I said holding out her jacket so she can put it on. She nodded again. "I just feel like going home and waiting out these two days." She said. We headed to Betty's house and she immediately fell asleep on her own couch. I carried her up the stairs and placed her on her bed. She looked so peaceful. I kissed the tip of her forehead and stroked her rosy cheeks. I left to go home. We waited out those two days by watching a bunch of horror movies until we got a call from the hospital to go and see the doctor. "Hey Doctor!" Betty greeted him and we both sat down. "Elizabeth Cooper the lab results just came in.." I bit my nails squeezing Betty's hand for support. "And..?" I said because she was in shock. "It was just as I suspected you're pregnant!" He said. "T-there has to be a mistake my menstrual cycle wasn't long ago I had major cramps and-." The doctor cut her off. "That wasn't you're menstrual cycle that was the zygote in your uterus and did you see heavy bleeding?" He asked her. Betty looked ashamed and shook her head. "Congratulations on being the father!" He said shaking my hand. "Oh no I'm not I'm her best friend!" I explained blushing. "I'm pregnant with Jughead's baby.." Betty's eyes filled with tears.

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