𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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 ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞!

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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞!

The strong tension in the apartment the next morning was clear. Talia would glance at Claire with apologetic eyes while Claire avoided Talia's gaze.

Gabbie, Tate, and Christina exchanged confused looks as they got ready. The three girls who had slept over could tell something had happened.

"Hey Tals, where do you want to go for breakfast?" Tate asked.

Talia shook her head, "I can't, Daniel wants to have brunch later. Have fun though!"

Claire scoffed, making Talia bite her lip guiltily.

Christina furrowed her eyebrows at Claire, something was definitely going on.

"You too, bye Tals!" Gabbie said as the four of them left the apartment.

As Claire, Christina, Gabbie, and Tate walked down the street, Christina pulled Claire behind to talk to her privately.

"What the fuck happened?" Christina whisper shouted.

"I went off on Talia last night," Claire admitted quietly, making Christina's eyes widen.

"Damn! While we were sleeping?" Christina asked.

Claire nodded, "I feel a little bad but I am not apologizing first."

"You're so stubborn," Christina groaned, "I get it though," she assured before the two of them caught up with Gabbie and Tate.


"Wow," was all Daniel breathed out after Talia explained what happened between her and Claire.

After having brunch, Daniel took Talia back to the why don't we house since he knew no one would be home until later in the evening.

Talia gently laid her head on Daniel's shoulder as she sighed.

"What should I do?" Talia asked.

"Apologize?" Daniel suggested.

"I have to do more than just apologize, we'll just get in a fight again. I need a big gesture," Talia replied.

Daniel helped Talia brainstorm some ideas for a while but they just kept getting off topic.

"One time, Anna got so mad at me, she didn't talk to me for a week!" Daniel chuckled.

Talia laughed, "Not helping!"

"Sorry-" Daniel started before letting out a big gasp.

"What?" Talia asked.

"I have the perfect idea! After that fight with Anna, I got tired of her not talking to me so I asked my mom for help. And my mom got a bunch of pictures and helped me make a scrapbook!" Daniel explained.

Talia sat up excitedly, "You're a genius!"

"I think I deserve a kiss for coming up with that brilliant idea," Daniel cocked his eyebrow teasingly.

"Not so shy anymore, huh?" Talia giggled before leaning in and giving Daniel a soft peck on the lips.

The blonde pulled back before Daniel could deepen the kiss, making him pout playfully.

"You can have all the kisses you want after you help me make a scrapbook," Talia promised.


"Is there anything you can't do?" Talia asked in awe.

Daniel was drawing on one of the pages in the scrapbook Talia was making for Claire. He was in the middle of drawing a small sketch of the two best friends when Talia looked over his shoulder and saw the beautiful sketch.

Talia grinned when Daniel blushed at her comment, "Do you keep a sketch book?"

Daniel nodded, "Yeah, I use it when I have spare time."

"Can I see your drawings? Please?" Talia asked, making a puppy face that Daniel found irresistible.

The brunet got up and walked to his drawers, sliding one open and digging through some clothes until he pulled out a simple, black leather sketchbook.

Daniel slid the sketchbook over the table he and Talia were working on, his hands trembling the tiniest bit with nervousness. Before Daniel lifted his hand off the book so Talia could take it, the blue eyed girl gave him a heartfelt look as she placed her small hand over Daniel's and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

The squeeze made him lose his nervousness, and suddenly, it felt right to show her. This was Talia, he reminded himself. The most amazing girl he's ever met. She understood him and would never judge him.

He let go of the book slowly and allowed Talia to slide it over to her side of the table. She opened the sketchbook and gasped in astonishment.

Her deep blue eyes drank in all of the breathtaking drawings poured out on the creamy white colored paper of the sketchbook. Some drawings were simple, but just as beautiful as the more intricate ones. On some pages, Daniel had small, printed out photos in the corners as a reference for his sketch. Talia recognized them as photos he took from touring the world, her heart swelled as she thought about how Daniel drew from the sights he had seen all over the globe.

Talia gave him a playful look after closing the sketchbook, "Save some talent for the rest of us, geez."

Talia smiled when Daniel laughed, his laughter contagious and making the both of them hunch over with laughter for no particular reason.

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