Just A Dream

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The wind brushed through your hair rather gently as you stood in the middle of a small garden. In front of you was a little hill. This place...it seemed... odd. You've never been here before, yet it felt so familiar.

You stared at the empty space with a nochalant expression. Something was missing. Something was supposed to be here. Where was it? Your eyes widened when a hole in the ground began to form, ruining the lush green grass. You went to take a step forwards, but a sudden weight in your arms stopped you momentarily, making you look down.

In your arms was the body of a child. You couldn't make out their face. You furrowed your brows. No, it wasn't that you couldn't make it out. You simply couldn't remember what they looked like. Why would you need to remember in the first place? You had never met them before. Yet...

"Why do I feel...bad?" You whispered down to the child. The child didn't respond, their body only hung in your arms.

"€¶∆}¥!" Your eyes widened and you turned around to see a man. Just like with the child, you couldn't make out his face, but you could see the movements of his mouth and...tears? You furrowed your brow at this. Just what was happening?

Before you could see any more, your settings changed. You now stood in the room where you first woke up. Except everyone and everything was there. The faceless dolls were lined up along the walls nicely and all of the scientists bustled around the room. You sat on the bench patiently as people ran around you. You couldn't feel anything. You had absolutely no idea what was happening. Was this...really a dream?

Someone appeared before you and rested their hands on your shoulders. They then pushed you back. Without wishing to do so, you raised your arm and everything went dark.


The summer cicadas buzzed throughout the night, emphasising the summery atmosphere for Japan. The soft snores that emitted from the orphanage was the perfect cover for anyone to sneak inside.

The metal door slid open almost soundlessly as a tall figure entered the building, their coat hanging behind them weightlessly. The stranger crept around the stray balls, bats and murder toys and stopped in front of the door leading into a seperate room.

The hinges on the door squeaked slightly as the stranger opened it, making them falter slightly. Once they confirmed that nobody else had awakened, they continued towards the bed in the centre of the room.

The faint bit of moonlight that shone through a gap in the curtain illuminated your face, giving the stranger a clear view of your location. Once by the bed, the stranger reached out to you.

Without a single sound, they rested their hand on your chest. The crease lines on your chest then lit up and lines of light outlined the stranger's hand. The stranger then pulled their hand away as the hatchet flew open. The stranger cracked a small smile and reached forwards.

"There we go. Now let's get you fixed up." They muttered under their breath and fiddled with your power source. The faint blue light illuminated the stranger's face, casting a shadow over their eyes.

Your hand twitched and the stranger gently closed the hatchet on your chest and stood back. They then looked you over once more before brushing your hair out of your face.

"Sleep well, Y/n, for you are something extraordinary." They whispered before leaning back. They wrapped their coat around their body and exited the room without another word.


Your hand twitched and soon enough, the voices of the outside world flooded your senses.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now