The Fateful Encounter

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You constantly flipped your body around the fallen buildings and pushed yourself to fly even harder. Astro flew above you while taking out any obstacles that could hinder your path greatly. He turned his gaze towards you and fired at another destroyed building, destroying it even further. You jumped over the dust cloud and landed on the ground almost effortlessly before you shifted your point of gravity once again.

"Astro, haven't you already checked the ministry of science?" You questioned. Astro pressed his lips into a tight thin line, and nodded.

"Yeah, I have, but I have this gut feeling I've missed something." He admitted. You furrowed your brows and looked forwards. You then reached up to your chest and pressed your clenched fist against it. You had a bad feeling about this. Ahead of you, the ruins of the ministry of science soon came into view. It's state was quite shocking to say the least.

You and Astro came to a slow stop and your mouths hung open at the sorry sight. Half of the ministry of science was burnt down completely while the other half barely stayed standing. The entire facility was heavily damaged and it looked as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Oh no... I didn't expect it to be this bad." You whispered under your breath. Astro frowned and took a few steps towards it.

"This is no time to be sitting around doing nothing. We have to scout this place out." He said. You nodded in agreement and followed closely behind him. You felt nervous about stepping foot into the ministry of science, fearing it would collapse, but you had no choice. You had to find your father no matter what.

Silence surrounded the two of you like a thick fog as you wandered down the hallways. Astro's eyes constantly flickered from the floors to the ceilings and he eyed the charred building with unease. Although you should have been, your caution was overshadowed by your lingering doubt, and guilt.

Reluctantly, an unwanted sigh escaped your lips and you felt knots twisting and turning in your stomach. Astro heard this and he turned towards you.

"Oh come on, Y/n. I know it's not that fun in here, but we have to double check this place. I can't think of any other place I'd see Dr L/n heading to." He said. You grimaced and shook your head.

"N-no, it's not that, it's just...I feel bad." You admitted and rubbed your upper arm. Astro cocked his head to the side in confusion and raised a questioning brow at you.

"Why do you feel bad?" He asked, and reached out to take your hand in his. You pulled back from him, and turned away from him. Astro was slightly taken back by this, and he let his hand drop.

"I feel really bad for putting you through all this... It's my fault the city is gone, and I was the reason you were dragged into all this." You started off and wrapped your arms around yourself. You then began to pace on the spot, walking back and forth. "If my father hadn't taken possession of the cores, maybe....maybe none of this would have happened. Y/n L/n would still be alive, nobody would be hurt, maybe...maybe you would still be human." You ranted on and on about the faults your father brought to this world while Astro watched on silently. However, the moment you mentioned Toby, his hand grasped your shoulder with a fierce like grip.

"Stop it. None of this is your fault. Even if your father hadn't taken custody of the cores, Stone would have interfered anyways. My-er, Toby's death was Stone's fault. Not you or your father's. So don't blame yourself for any of it. You and I, we're in this together." Astro said and gave you a reassuring smile. Your eyes widened at his words, and tears began to stream down your cheeks.

Astro jumped at the sudden shift in emotions and he flailed about, trying to calm you down. Eventually, he settled for wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into a hug. You leaned into his warmth and sniffled. Astro smiled fondly at you and comfortingly rubbed your back.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now