The Culprit

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The wooden floor creaked underneath your feet as both you and Astro crept around the corner of your house. You then whipped your head in both directions, and gestured for Astro to follow you. You tiptoed down the hallway and stopped outside of a wooden door. Both you and Astro nodded to each other and you reached forwards to open it.

"Y/n? Why are you here I thought you were cleaning the pool after school." A feminine voice called out to you, making you jump. Astro fell to the floor as you whipped your body towards the woman standing in the hallway with a raised eyebrow. Her M/H/C hair perfectly framed her face and her E/C shone in the light. A kind smile was placed on her face, and she watched you carefully.

You began to sweat bullets as your mother eyed you down, and gulped.

"M-mom! H-hey.... Yeah, we were, but Astro and I decided to skip." You came out with the truth. Your mother blinked at you and bursted out into laughter. You inwardly sighed in relief and laughed along with her. Astro watched this woman carefully, studying her features. 'So this is Y/n's mother. She's really pretty. I can see where they get their personality from.' He thought to himself, and smiled.

"So, you left your siblings to do all the work again. L/n will be mad." Your mother warned and pinched your cheeks. You chuckled nervously and let her do as she pleased with your cheeks.

"S-showwy." You apologized. A warm smile appeared on your mother's face and she released your cheeks.

"Good. Now, I'll be heading out for a quick shopping trip. Don't get up to too much mischief you two." She told. Both you and Astro saluted to her and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." You both chimed. Your eyes then widened and your hand shot out before you.

"Mom wait!" Your mother stopped shortly at the door and looked back at you. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt and your eyes constantly flickered from the ground to your mother. "U-um, do you know when dad is getting back?" You questioned. Your mother cocked her head to the side and spared a short glance at the living room clock.

"He won't be back until five." She said. You let out a sigh of relief and smiled at her.

"Thanks, mom. See you when you get back!" You exclaimed and waved to her. Your mother returned your smile with just as much energy. She then turned to the door and exited the house. You smiled warmly at her and let yourself relax. Astro turned towards you with a peculiar gaze and hummed in thought.

"What was that about?" He inquired. You clenched your fists and your smile became strained.

"I...don't like my father all too much." You admitted and turned towards the wooden door. Astro furrowed his brows in confusion. The door clicked open upon turning the door knob and you pushed it wide open. The two of you then treaded your way carefully down the steps and into the basement. You felt around the wall for the light switch and flicked it the moment you found it.

Astro squinted at the sudden brightness, but his eyes quickly adjusted to it. His eyes wandered around the rather dim basement and eventually, his eyes fell on a particular machine. It was a cylindrical capsule with a set of buttons beside it. Astro eyed it with fascination. This machine definitely peaked his curiosity. You walked up to it and turned to Astro.

"This machine is what brought us here. Or our minds at least." You explained. Astro furrowed his brows and turned towards you.

"What do you mean?" You switched on the machine and took a step back.

"My father, he-"

"Created this machine and transported our minds into this world where all of our most inner desires come to life." You and Astro whipped your bodies towards the new voice and sucked in a sharp breath upon seeing L/n's cold figure standing at the door. L/n narrowed their eyes at you. "What do you think you're doing, Y/n." They spat.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now