It All Ends Here

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Tenma's consciousness faded in and out while his body hung from a high place. He couldn't quite depict where he was. The agonizing pain he felt in his head was enough to make him disoriented however.

"Awake yet?" A chill voice interrupted Tenma's train of thought, barely bringing him back to reality. Tenma grunted in response, and struggled to gain his awareness. A wicked smile appeared on Dr L/n's face and he nudged the head scientist's chin up with his hand. "Come now, surely I didn't hit you that hard. Here, maybe this will wake you up some more."

Tenma furrowed his brows in confusion and he struggled to open his eyes. An intensifying stench then wafted into his nose, clearing his senses. Tenma's eyes snapped open and his head shot up to avoid the intense smell. He then focused his gaze on his surroundings and he watched the burning city fifty feet below him with wide eyes.

"W-woah! Where...?" He cried out and immediately began to flail about. He then shifted in discomfort and eyed the ropes binding his arms to the pole.

"Careful. You wouldn't want to fall now, would you?" Dr L/n warned him and leaned over the balcony floating just beside the single remaining skyscraper. Tenma looked up at the psycho scientist and glowered at him.

"You're mad. Just what is your goal by doing all this?" He questioned. Dr L/n kept his gaze focused on the ruined city as he asked this question. He then looked back at him from over his shoulder, and a thoughtful expression crossed his face.

"Hmm, I wonder that myself..." He trailed off. Tenma's eyes widened at this statement and his mouth hung open agape. An enraged look then crossed his face and he shot forwards.

"How can you not know!? What drove you to such madness!?" He shouted. Dr L/n turned his back to him and stayed silent. He then turned his gaze towards the sky and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I suppose, Y/n drove me to this point..." He whispered. Tenma furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Y/n...? Are you talking about your daughter/son or that robot you created?" He confirmed. A wicked smile appeared on Dr L/n's face and he looked back at Tenma.

"Both." He said and leaned back on the railing. A low chuckle then escaped his throat and he let out a tired sigh. "Having kids is hard work. I have three, you know. Yeah two of them are far from human, but I do consider them to be my children. My favourite would have to be Y/n, the robot, mind you." He admitted and paced back and forth on the balcony. Tenma's eyes followed every step he took, and he narrowed his eyes at him.

Dr L/n constantly shifted his gaze from Tenma to the city below him as if he was waiting for something. He then leaned over the railings and laughed.

"Do you want to know why I like the robot version of Y/n much more than the original? Y/n is full of life and they never fail to express their feelings. They're curious about the world, they have questions whether there's an answer to them or not." He breathed and an exstastic smile appeared on his face. His joyous expression then faltered and he slumped forwards. "My son/daughter on the other hand... He/she's hard to read. Even L/n has more expression than he/she does. It's... boring. He/she's...boring." He complained and shifted the walking staff in his hand, his mind occupied with other things.

Tenma furrowed his brows in confusion even more as Dr L/n muttered incoherent things to himself.

"You've actually lost it, haven't you?" He whispered. Dr L/n stopped his ramblings, and looked back at him with wide eyes. He then bursted out laughing and he gripped his sides.

"What makes you think that? I've lost my wife, my son/daughter, and two of my children are rebelling against me. You have no idea how I feel, Tenma!" He shouted in a fit of rage. Tenma shook his head and gave Dr L/n a stern look.

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