Loving What Is Unknown

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Cora waited patiently for the two of you to return as the others partied on without you. She let out a heavy sigh and rested her chin on her palm.

"Sheesh, wasn't this party supposed to be for them? Where are they?" She muttered to herself. As if on cue, three heavy knocks appeared at the door, dragging Cora out of her inner thoughts. She stood from the couch and hurried over to the iron door. She then slid it open and sucked in a sharp breath.

Standing at the door were two snowmen. Or...at least that is what she thought they were. Cora eyed the two snowmen up and down warily, and inched her hand towards one of them. She then brushed the snow away and let out a shrill scream as your eyes blinked in her direction.

"Y/n!? Wait, Astro too!? What happened to the two of you!?" She cried. Astro shook the snow from his body and rubbed the back of his neck as he proceeded to tell his friend what had happened.

"Well, we were playing in the snow when..." He slumped forwards and gave her a tired smile. "A blizzard came out of nowhere and nearly buried us alive."

"It was so much fun!" You exclaimed and threw your arms high into the air. Cora blinked at the two of you and shook her head. She then stood to the side, giving you both access into the orphanage. You shook the snow off you while Astro gently brushed it off himself. The blaring music practically blasted in your face, sending a wave of excitement throughout your entire body.

Astro watched you run off into the crowd and a smile appeared on his face. He couldn't believe what had gone down tonight. Never had he thought you would share the same feelings as him. Astro's hand rested across his chest and he closed his eyes as he focused on the warmth his core emitted. 'This feeling inside my chest, it's proof of how much I love Y/n.' He told himself.

Astro looked up and he saw you standing with Zane whilst he showed you how to dance. His dancing looked funky and ridiculous, almost making Astro laugh. He then made a move to approach you, but he was yanked back by none other than Cora. Astro looked back at her questioningly whilst she eyed him with an inquiring gaze.

"You have a lot of explaining to do. Come with me." Astro cried out in surprise as he was dragged outside of the orphanage. You had just out done Zane with your dancing when you saw Astro leave the party with Cora, peaking your curiosity.

Outside of the orphanage, Astro stumbled forwards while Cora stood behind him with her arms crossed over her chest expectingly. Once he had regained his balance, he turned towards her questioningly.

"What was that for?" He complained. Cora rolled her entire head back and let out an aggravated groan.

"Don't play dumb with me. What happened between you and Y/n? I saw them run off earlier." She accused. Astro's eyes widened slightly. He then breathed in through his teeth and looked off to the side.

"Oh, that. Well, nothing much I suppose-"

"Astro," Cora began in a warming tone. Astro raised an inquiring brow at her and turned his entire body towards the car.

"Geez, what's it to you?" He grumbled. Cora frowned at his response and her hands dropped to her side.

"Look I'm just concerned for Y/n, okay? They looked distressed when they left. And you've obviously got something to do with it." She mentioned and jabbed an accusing finger into his chest. Astro's eyes slightly widened and he looked back at her. He then gave her a small smile and he leaned against the car.

"Thanks, Cora. But really, nothing happened. There was just a small misunderstanding between us. But we have it all figured out now." He admitted. Cora still didn't look convinced, but she would let this one slide for now. She then shivered in the cold and rubbed her hands along her arms. The snow had stopped falling for now, which was a good thing for her. As she kept her thoughts occupied with the current condition of the snow, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure hiding behind one of the old oil bins.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now