First Day Back

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The car rumbled with movement as two particular robots shuffled about in the front of the car. Miraculously, Astro had slept through this noise and curled into a ball. His hands were tucked under his chin as he slept, his mind in a peaceful state. In the midst of his slumber, he heard your voice.

"So, I push this peddle?"

"No, I said don't touch anything." Drive told. However, it would seem that his words didn't get through to you. Astro was rudely awakened when his body was thrown to the side of the van. His eyes snapped open and he shot right up.

"What happened!?"

"Y/n, you dummy!" Astro winced at the sound of a wrench hitting metal and he slowly looked over at you as you laid in the passenger's seat with a massive dent in your head. A fuming Cora stood behind you, her face practically red from both the fright she had received and her inner rage.

A small sigh escaped Astro's lips and he shook his head. You shot up from your concussion and shook the pain from your head. You then twisted your body in your seat and leaned on the back of the chair and shot Astro a heart-warming smile.

"You're up! Tell Cora how I should drive, I'm capable of learning, you know." You said and stuck your tongue out at the taller girl. Steam practically came out of Cora's ears as she gave you an agitated look. Astro sweat dropped and crawled over to the driver's seat while being careful not to step onto any of his other friends.

"I think I should drive. I'll teach you how to drive another time." He offered and smiled at you. You slumped in the passenger's seat and nodded.

"Fine. You win this time, Cora." You mumbled. Cora smiled victoriously in your direction and sat down in the back. Astro situated himself in the driver's seat and started the old baby up. You watched eagerly as his foot pressed down on the accelerator peddle and you were off.

The fields passed by you in a flash as the van zipped through the green plains. You rolled down your window and stuck your head outside, feeling the cool breeze brush through your hair.

"This feels so nice. And we're going so fast too!" You exclaimed and reached over to touch the ground. Cora gave you a look and pulled you back inside.

"You're going to fall out if you keep doing that." She warned. You pouted at her and sat back in your seat.

"Hmph, miss bossy boots."


"Nothing nothing." You turned your head to the side and continued to admire the scenery. Astro snorted and whipped his head to the side the moment Cora's gaze fell on him. The rest of the trip was then spent with you practically hanging out of the car while the others took turns dragging you back inside.


The sun was well below the horizon as the car slowed to a stop. Everyone was practically passed out while you had been reluctantly given the wheel. It was a miracle you hadn't crashed yet. You let out a small squeal of excitement and threw your arms up into the air.

"Yeah! That was awesome! Right guys!? Uh, guys?" You turned and looked behind you to see that everyone was thrown against each other, most definitely knocked out. You blinked at them and shrugged it off. Beside you, Astro slept peacefully with his head resting against the window. His chest rose with every breath he took, and his body was still.

You turned back in your seat and smiled softly at him. You then switched off the car and kicked open the door. Everyone jolted out of their slumber the moment you obnoxiously slammed the car door shut. Zane let out a large yawn while Drive forced himself out of the car and kicked the backside of your legs, knocking you forwards.

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now