This Is Snow

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Beads of sweat dripped down Tenma's head as he worked tirelessly on your body with the remaining parts Drive and the gang had gathered for him. Once he was finished, he wiped the sweat off his forehead using a handkerchief and he straightened.

"Whew! That should do it, good as new!" He stated and inserted your core back in its rightful place. Everyone watched intently as your body was powered up by the core, and your eyes slowly fluttered open. You then sat up and stretched your arms high above your head. You let out arms drop to your sides and you turned your gaze towards your loved ones. A dazzling smile then appeared on your face, and you laughed.

"Hey guys! Look, I'm all repaired now!" You exclaimed and threw your newly repaired arm high into the air. Astro laughed and clasped your raised hand into his and shook it.

"Isn't that great? Y/n." He cheered and pulled you off the desk. You jumped up in glee and smiled brightly. The door leading into the workshop was then opened and Cora poked her head inside. You turned towards her and you beamed at her.

"Cora! Look, look! My eye and arm are all fixed up!" You exclaimed and bounced towards her like a ball of energy. Cora looked you up and down and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's about time. I was just about ready to place a paper bag over your head." She joked and laughed. You joined in on her laughter while everyone else sweat dropped. She then looked over your shoulder and smiled brightly at Astro as he stood behind you. "And it's good to see you back in action." She admitted. Astro returned her smile.

From the other room, Zane popped his head through the bedroom door and grinned.

"Yo Y/n! Good to see you up and running, buddy!" He exclaimed and gave you a swift high five. You laughed and nodded.

"Mhm! Now I can get back to work." You admitted. Zane wiped his nose and rested his hand on his hip.

"Yep! The boss has been missing you heaps while you were gone. Say, since our two favourite robots are up and running again, we should have a party." He suggested. Your eyes widened and you grinned exstastically at him.

"Yeah! That would be so much fun! Right Astro?" You exclaimed and turned towards him. Astro nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that would be fun. Especially after all of the stuff we've been through." He admitted. Zane threw his arm around your neck and let out a hearty laugh.

"Come on! Let's start making the preparations, I'm pumped up!" He exclaimed. You turned your gaze towards him and nodded exstastically at him.

"Yeah, let's go!" You cried and dragged him out of the room. Everyone nearly laughed as the taller boy almost tripped over himself as he struggled to keep up with your gusto. Cora then followed the two of you out with Tenma following behind her, making sure neither you or Zane caused any trouble. Astro stayed behind in the room and watched you walk off with a smile. His smile then dropped from his face and he turned to more pressing matters.

He turned towards your two look-a-likes as the pair stood silently to the side, avoiding everyone's attention. Astro breathed in through his nose deeply, and carefully approached the two.

"So, what happens now?" He asked and stopped before them. Y/n and L/n both shared a look, and Y/n smiled sadly at him.

"'s time for me to go. I can't stay here. You know why...." He/she trailed off, and began to pick at the skin on their arm. Astro watched as the flaky skin scratched off, revealing a metal plate underneath. He then nodded in understanding and looked off to the side.

"Are you going to say goodbye to Y/n, at least?" He asked, making L/n frown.

"Y/n doesn't need to know the truth. It's best we don't tell them, they'll be happier that way." L/n said and turned their back on Astro. Y/n seemed to hesitate, then he/she nodded in agreement.

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