Chapter 3

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Hogwarts Express

The rest of summer went by fairly quickly. I spent most of the time doing chores, devotions, and then studying and reading my school books.

It turned out that I was very good at silent spells. I learned that's how most American wizards and witches did it.

Then I tried doing some wandless magic but I decided it was better if my wand exploded instead of my hands or head.

When September 1 finally came I was bouncing of the walls in excitement. I couldn't wait to see Hogwarts.

As we entered Kings Cross Station I kissed my parents goodbye.

"Have a great time and don't forget to write!" My mom shouted as I made my way to platform 9 3/4.

I stuck up my thumb and ran through the wall.

When I saw the Hogwarts express my mouth opened in awe. It was absolutely amazing.

As I walked through the isles I spotted a compartment with a red haired girl and a black haired boy, both seemed to be my age.

"Hello, can I sit here?" I asked meekly.

They both nodded and I sat next to the girl, "I'm Emily by the way." I said smiling.

"I'm Lily and that's Severus." I girl said pointing at Severus.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said now fully grinning.

"Pleasure." Both replied at the same time.

"Are you American?" Severus asked curiously.

I nodded my head remembering the boy I ran into at Diagon Ally.

"Cool!" Lily said, "What's it like?"

"Well for one we drive on a totally different side of the road. Instead of a prime minister we have a president and American wizards and witches are better, well they do more silent spells." I said.

"Can you show us?" Severus asked.

"Sure!" I replied getting out my wand.
Lumos! I thought to myself and then suddenly a stream of silvery light appeared at the end of my wand.

"Amazing." Said Lily and Severus softly.

"Are you pure-blood, Muggle-born, or half-blood? You don't have to answer though, I'm just curious." Severus said leaning his head on the window.

"I'm pure-blood actually." I answered, "What about y'all?"

I then learned that Lily was muggle-born and Severus was pure-blood. We sat there and talked until we we interrupted by two boys.

I recognized one of them to be Sirius Black. The other had messy, like really messy, black hair.

"Mind if we sit here?" The one with black hair asked.

Lily and I shrugged and went to sit on Severus' side so the two boys could sit across from us.

"I'm James Potter be the way." The guy said.

"And I'm Sirius Black, but I'm sure Emily already knows that." Sirius said flashing me a grin.

Then Severus and Lily introduced themselves and I noticed that Jame's eyes never left Lily.

"What house do y'all think you'll be in. I hope Gryffindor. I wouldn't really want to be in Hufflepuff and I'd leave if I got sorted into Slytherin. Wouldn't you?" James said rather rudely.

"Well for you information my whole family was in Slytherin! Potter!" Severus snapped.

When I saw the disgusted expression on James or should I say Potter's I had had enough, "Why don't you find another compartment Potter. I'm sure Black would accompany you." I snarled.

"Well maybe I will!" Potter said angrily, "Bye Snivellus. Alcorn. Evans. Then the two boys left.

"So you knew Black?" Lily and Severus said at the same time.

"Ehh sort-of. I kind of bumped into him at Diagon Ally." I shrugged.

"They're quite rude aren't they?" Lily said shuddering.

Severus and I nodded in agreement, "Very." We stated together.

"I don't see why it matters what house your in though..." I added thoughtfully.

"House pride....rumors, stuff like that is why." Severus said.

"Well we better change into our robes it looks like we're almost there." Lily said as she started to stand.

When we were finished we looked out the window. Hogwarts was.....beautiful. No words can describe what I saw. I turned to see Lily's and Severus' expressions and saw that their expressions were just like mine, full of awe.

"Firs' 'ears! Over ear! Firs' 'ears!" came a gruff voice.

"Who's that?" I asked Severus as we walked towards him.

"That's Hagrid. He's the ground keeper." Severus answered almost thoughtfully.

I nodded and we headed towards the boats. Lily, Severus, and I got into a boat until they were moved into a different boat. Sadly because of my luck I got placed in a boat with Potter, Black, and two other boys that I have not seen before.

I learned that the other two guys were Remus and Peter. Remus seemed nice enough. Peter Just was....too, well nervous all the time.

I stayed quiet most of the time and spent that time ignoring both Potter and Black the best I could.

When we got out of the boats Hagrid then handed us of to McGonagall. The sorting ceremony was near.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now