Chapter 5

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First Day, Last place

I turned to see Sirius Black sitting on the common room couch.

"I could ask the same thing." I snapped back.

"Well I'm not the one whose been sneaking around am I?" Black replied smirking.

"Just looking around." I mumbled.

He didn't look very convinced but let it go, for now, "What about you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Couldn't sleep." Was all he said.

"Well I'm going to sleep." I stated firmly, "Night, Black."

"Night, Alcorn." He said before his voice droned out.

I walked into the girl dormitories and saw Lily and who I believed to be Mary MacDonald and Marlene McKinnon.

To my surprise I actually got a top bunk. I quickly changed and got ready for bed. Then I crawled into my bed and went to sleep.


When it was morning I got to know Mary and Marlene better. We all became friends I almost an instant.

Though I was extremely tired I trudged myself to the Great Hall.

This time when I said grace most people became quiet. I guess out of respect.

McGonagall soon came around and handed us all our schedules. I had potions with Lily, Severus, Remus, Peter, and to my luck Potter and Black.

Almost all my classes were with Black except for Herbology. Lily was in Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, DADA, and Divination with me.

Marlene and Mary on the other hand were a little more scattered.

After breakfast Lily and I headed to potions with Professor Slughorn.

Lily and I went to sit with Severus and we all waited for Professor Slughorn's instructions.

"Hello class! Today we will be brewing to Wiggenweld Potion. Can anyone tell me what it is and what it is used for?" Professor Slughorn asked.

Severus, Lily, and I all raised our hands immediately after he asked the question.

"Ms. Alcorn?" Professor Slughorn said pointing at me.

"Well the Wiggenweld Potion is a powerful healing potion. It can be used to heal injuries as well as reverse the effects of the sleeping draught." I recited.

"Very good!" Slughorn said grinning, "5 points to Gryffindor!"

As class progressed everything seemed to be going fine. Suddenly two boys rushed into class.

"Where have you two been?" Slughorn demanded.

"Got lost." Black and Potter said at the same time.

"I'll excuse you this time but next time it will be detention." Slughorn said firmly.

They both nodded their heads wildly causing some girls to giggle. Don't worry I was not one of them.

The rest of class went by semi normally. Except for the fact that Black kept on making rude interruptions and lost os 15 house points. Thanks to him we had -5 house points, and on the first day to!

Today since I did not have Herbology I was stuck with Black and it was pure torture. Thank goodness I had Lily, Severus, Mary, and Marlene to keep me sane.


The rest of the year went smoothly though I was disappointed that Gryffindor got last place. I was excited to return home and escape Black and Potter's scheming though I would miss all my friends.

"Bye Lily! Bye Severus! Goodbye Mary! Bye Marlene!" I shouted my goodbyes.

"Have a good summer!" Lily shouted as she headed towards her family.

Then I walked towards my family feeling happy and thankful.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now