Chapter 12

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Another Night Not Like The Rest

"Should we wake them up?"

"Na....look at them."

.....the picture." it."

I soon began to stir. As I was awoken I noticed that I was not laying in my bed. I was in fact laying on somebody. Memories of last night burst int my head and I jerked up Sirius- I mean Black in tow.

"Wha-what...." Sirius said groaning.

I laughed and his eyes widened. We both turned around and saw Lily, Marlene, Mary, James, Remus, and Peter all standing in front of us. James just happened to be holding a camera and all of them were laughing.

We both tried to say it wasn't what it looked like, but they would no let us finish. I glared at them and eventually they all fell silent. Then I realized that the had a camera.

"Come back with that camera!" Sirius and I shouted at the same time.

After a long chase I think Sirius and I lost hope on getting the camera. We both sighed and laughed lightly, "Just wait-
"I mean-

We both stopped and then we quickly got up and we went towards out different friend groups. Everyone smiled and we made our way to Hogsmeade.

When the two groups finally managed to escape each other Marlene and Lily bombarded me with questions, "What was that?"

"Nothing!" I said quickly.

"That sure didn't look like nothing to me!" Marlene said grinning wickedly.

"Fine!" I exclaimed sighing in surrender, "I had detention with Black and when we came back I must have fell asleep."

They both rolled their eyes and smirked, "If you say so." Lily said while Marlene snickered in the background.

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks." I said trying to change the subject.

The girls let it slide and agreed to go. We all ordered a Butterbeer and then I decided to tease Lily a bit, "What about you and James? You seemed to be standing pretty close together weren't you?" I said grinning slyly.

Lily glared at me, "James is an arrogant, egotistical ares and I would never, and I mean never go out or fancy anyone like him." She stated firmly.

"And Sirius isn't?" I said trying to get them to drop the idea of Sirius and I being together.

" it's Sirius instead of Black now?" Marlene said raising an eyebrow.

"I meant to say Black-

"Sure you did!" Marlene said laughing.

I sighed and we made our way back to Hogwarts. When we got there a Ravenclaw boy ran up to us, "Dumbledore would like to see you in his office."he said pointing at me.

The girls and I shared a look and I made my way to Dumbledore's office, "Licorice wands?" I guessed and the gargoyles parted revealing a spiral staircase.

As I entered Dumbledore's office he told me to sit down.

"You called." I said taking a seat.

He gave me a sad look, "You have heard of Voldemort's rising, correct?"

I nodded, growing worried.

He continued, "Well you see your mother has recently had a child."

I gave him a odd look, "She what? I have a brother!?"

Dumbledore nodded but I could tell he was not finished, "Well Deatheaters attacked your house and your mother and father, have passed. Your brother on the other hand, since he was just born and we assumed that he was overlooked."

Tears formed in my eyes. My parent were devoted Christians. Why would God let this happen? I then began to weep and Dumbledore patted me on the shoulder, "Your brother will be brought here shortly. The funeral will be in two weeks time and from now the Potters agreed to take you in."

Not willing to argue I began to pray,

"Lord wherever you are now, please be with my parents. Take care of them for they are now in your hands..."

Suddenly there was a loud pop and then Hagrid appeared, and he was holding a small infant. I soon learned that my brother's name was Johnathan and that my parents were planning on telling me he very next day, but sadly were killed to soon.

Jonathan was transported to the Potter's house and I made my way to the common room tears in my eyes. As I walked there I decided against it and then made my way to the Astronomy tower. While I walked my hatred for Voldemort grew. He killed my parents and left my younger brother helpless. Surely God did not expect me to love him. After all he was a cold blooded murderer.

When I walked into the tower I saw Sirius Black sitting there. When he saw me in my state he ran up to me and pulled me close to him and I did not protest.

"Are you alright!? What happened!?" He asked. He seemed to be frantic but I had no idea why.

"M-my par-parents died!" I cried, "And n-now I h-ave a b-brother."

Sirius held me and it was oddly comforting, "'s okay. It's okay." He said softly.

"But why did God let this happen!" I practically shouted.

"I may not be a devoted Christian you are, but I know this, I know for a fact that God must have some sort of plan in mind and I know that it may seem terrible right now...but who knows." He said softly.

I looked at him and smiled, "Thank you." I said softly.

I layer there for a little bit more and could not find myself to get up.

"Let's get you to bed." Sirius said smiling.

I smiled to but did not say anything. As we entered the Common Room Sirius led me to the girl's dormitory. When he came in the girl's saw us but did not say anything.

He placed me on my bed and I smiled sadly. I love you.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now