Chapter 4

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The Sorting Hat

I soon found Lily and Severus But we sadly had to split ways so we could get in alphabetical order. I...was placed next to Black. Oh goodie!

Immediately the hat that was placed on the stool began to sing,

The four houses of Hogwarts
Are truly not what they seem
To be in daring Gryffindor
Or even wise old Ravenclaw
Could all be a chose
Slytherin the ambitious and very very cunning
Or maybe sweet Hufflepuff were kindness is a drummin'
Which four houses do you belong in
Which is called home?

When the hat finished singing we all began to clap. The Professor McGonagall stood up and opened a scroll like thing, "Aaron, Trixey!" She shouted.

Thankful I was not first, I shifted in my seat waiting anxiously for my turn.

When she put the hat on we all waited in silence until the hat cried, "RAVENCLAW!"

The girl quickly scurried to the cheering Ravenclaw table.

"Alcorn, Emily!" Professor McGonagall shouted again.

I slowly stood up and made my way to the stool. When the hat was on my head everything seemed to dull out.

"Hmm....A Christian I see, very interesting. Very wise...but I do not think Ravenclaw is the house for you. Let's see. Indeed you are Compassionate and kind, but Hufflepuff just won't do. Now, now, now. Gryffindor and Slytherin. You favor Bravery and Ambition almost equally, but which is greater. Do you have any opinion on what house you would like to be in?" The sorting hat said calmly.

"Uhh. Actually I don't mind at all which house I'm put in." I thought truthfully.

"Well then...better be in Slyth-I mean Gryffindor!" The hat shouted awkwardly.

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers, but everyone seemed very confused.

As I walked to the Gryffindor table I head lots of whispers like, "What just happened?" And, "Wait so the hat almost put her in Slytherin but decided it was better he put her in Gryffindor?"

When I sat down people started to pat me on my back and say, "Welcome to Gryffindor!"

Then I turned to watch Sirius' sorting. The hat eventually cried, "Gryffindor!" Sirius-wait why am I calling him Sirius? It's Black. I scolded myself. So as I was saying Black stood up with a very confused expression on his face and ran to the Gryffindor table.

"Looks like we're on the same house love." Sirius whispered in my ears.

Totally ignoring him I went to sit in a different spot.

I saw Severus get sorted into Slytherin, Potter...well Gryffindor, and Lily Gryffindor (Remus and Peter also got sorted into Gryffindor).

Lily went to sit next to me and we both kept shooting Severus regretful expressions.

When Dumbledore was finished with his speech he concluded it with, "Let the feast began!"

Suddenly piles of food were before us. I filled my plate with a decent portion and bowed my head so I could say grace.

"Dear God, thank you for this food and thank you for the magic you have gifted my with. Lord you are powerful and omnipotent. Please let this food provide nourishment to my body. In Jesus name, Amen." I said softly.

Then I lifted my head and begin to eat though I did notice that there were quite a few people starring at me.

"What were you doing?" Lily asked curiously.

"I was praying over my food." I said meeting her eyes.

"Is it an American thing or..." Lily began.

"Actually anyone can do it." I said quickly.

Lily nodded and began to eat her food. Maybe making disciples won't be hard? No. Making disciples is very hard and I will have to persevere to the very end.

When dinner had ended we followed the prefect to the dorm rooms, "The password is gladius." The prefect (his name was Thomas) said before we got to the portrait hole.

I looked around to make sure no one could see me and then I slipped out of the group to go explore the castle a little bit.

I walked around a little bit looking for hidden passages and things like that. As I walked I tripped on something.

I looked down and saw a rug. Because I was curious I picked up the rug and found a small trap door.

I opened it and found a stair case. Trying my best to stay quiet and make sure everything was in perfect condition I slowly made my way down the stairs. Lumos. I thought.

I soon found I hallway and I followed it. Then when I stepped out of the tunnel I found myself inside a sort of cellar. It was very dark and damp but otherwise it was pretty cool.

I discovered what must have been an endless supply of butter beer and fire whiskey.

After that I found three different hidden passages before I decided to go to the common room.

When I got there the "fat lady" was glaring at me, "What are you doing out so late?"

I shrugged, "Gladius."

The fat lady huffed but let me in. I tried to be as quiet as I could walking through the common room before I heard a voice, "What are you doing up?" Came a voice I really did not want to hear.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now