Chapter 13

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I woke up I the morning and memories of last not flooded in my mind. My parents were gone. They loved me so much, they were the kindest people in the world and now they were gone. At least I knew that they were happy and now they are rejoicing in heaven.

I sighed and tears fell from my eyes. It all feels like a bad dream, but I knew my parents would not want me to drown in self pity, they would want me to live my life to the fullest.

As I thought over what Sirius had said I smiled. God really did have a plan, even if in my eyes it was terrible, I knew it was a perfect plan.

Soon Lily and Marlene woke up and they hugged me, "I sorry." Lily said quietly.

"For what?" I said looking her in the eye.

"That you have to live with Potter now." She said grinning.

We all burst out laughing, "Don't worry I'll tell him all your secrets." I said grinning.

"You will not!" Lily said throwing a pillow in my direction.

Let's get to breakfast, after all tomorrow classes start again.

As we walked around the castle I realized that I had not seen the Marauders (that's what they called themselves) at all today. When we were in the Great Hall Lily, Marlene, and I sat down a the end of the table and talked with Mary and Alice for a bit.

"Did you hear, three more muggle families died and a wizarding family, pure-blood I believe, it says that they refused to join Voldemort so they were killed." Alice said showing us the Daily Prophet.

I looked at it and sighed as tears threatened to prick my eyes. I told Mary and Alice what happened and they hugged me.

I then told them I was going to go 0n a walk so I could be alone for a bit. They agreed and I headed out. As I walked I noticed a small first year crying. As I walked closer I saw that she was in Slytherin, "Are you okay?" I asked as I sat next to her."

She let out a small cry, "Some 6th years were bullying me. They called me a murder." She said barely looking up.

I patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay. I'll make sure they pay." When I said this the little girl smiled and nodded her head.

As we sat there Narcissa Black approached us, I knew here name because she was a pure-blooded witch with a lot of power, but if you looked past that she was actually not that bad.

"That was nice of you." She said when the young girl wen to find her friends.

I smiled, "It's not right to call people murders when they themselves did nothing wrong." I said, "And besides God wants us to love everyone."

Narcissa smiled and nodded, "Your Emily, right?"

I nodded, "And your Narcissa."

We sat there and talked for a bit until Lucius Malfoy came along. I waved them both goodbye and went to find the girls.

As I walked I found myself face to face with Sirius Black, I did mention that I have terrible luck didn't I? Oh well.

"How's it going." He asked casually.

I smiled, "As well as it could be, I guess." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

He smiled, not smirked, but smiled. We sat there and talked for a bit and I felt myself warming up to him.

"Couldyoucometohogsmeadewithme." He said all of sudden.

I laughed, "Well, I don't Know..." I said grinning.

He, very subtly, glared at and I laughed, "You know what I think...." I said very, very slowly.

He then threw his hands up, "This was supposed to be easy." He grumbled.

I smirked, "Whoever said I would make this easy."

We both starred each other in the eye and I finally gave in, "Why not?" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Sirius looked confused for a moment and then realized what I had just said. He stood up in victory, "Yes I can't wait to tell Prongs-

He then stopped when he saw the look on my face and tried to correct his words, "I mean, tell Prongs what a wonderful morning I had.

We both laughed and we went our separate ways. As soon as I found Lily and Marlene I collapsed in front of them, "Y'all I'm going to Hogmeade with Sirius on Saturday."

They both squealed and then dragged me to our dormitory. Well I was definitely looking forward to explaining what happened to them.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now