Chapter 8

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Pranking the pranksters

Tonight was a full moon and I was now fully prepared. I made sure to tell Lily, Mary, and Marlene that I had plans tonight and Marlene would not stop bothering me about it. Seriously that girl is obsessed with Lily and I's love life. I mean can't a girl be single. Not for Marlene apparently.

I made my way to the whomping willow as quick as I could. Then I quickly changed into my Animagus form and found Remus waiting. We sat there in silence and waited for the moon to rise.

I sat in a corner as Remus transformed. If I was honest it looked painful and scary, but I did my best to remain still.

Then he began to howl and I got closer to him. At first he eyed me suspiciously but did nothing. I kept a fair distance but it was enough to keep Remus from hurting himself.

Then I decided that he should probably get some fresh air so I led him outside. He roamed the grounds for a bit, but when I got too close...well lets just say I may have a few scars.

Finally the moon began to set and Remus became Remus again, "Are you okay? Did I hurt you at all?" Remus asked quickly.

"I am fine. I may have a few scratches but they will pass." I reassured him, "Now why don't we get you to Madam Pomfrey's?"

He nodded and wee made our way to the Hospital Wing.

It was the first night of many and boy was I ready.


Soon enough it was Christmas. I told my mom that I was staying at Hogwarts for Christmas and to my surprise was Marlene as well as Peter, Remus, Potter, and Black though I noticed that he got a Howler.

Though I had never been a victim of one of their pranks I felt pity for the ones who were. So I decided that the famous pranksters met their match and faced a prank themselves. I was going to make sure this was a prank they will remember.

I made treats, but the thing about these treats was that when you eat them you gained the appearance of an old man and of course only one thing can reverse it....unicorn tears and because they were very rare who knows how long it will take them to recover.

Just in case they were suspicious I made it so it smelled like their favorite dessert. For Remus and Peter I gave them normal treats because...well because. Then I put them in a box and signed it, your favorite! My plan just might work.

When Christmas came my boxes were already in their dormitories. In the morning I practically skipped to breakfast because I was so excited.

Remus and Peter entered the Great Hall looking shocked. My plan had worked. Or at least it looked that way since Black and Potter were nowhere in sight. Lily gave me an confused look and I grinned evilly in return. Thank goodness she knew what I meant and gave me a sly smile in return.

When Peter and Remus sat down I noticed that they gave me a accusing sort of look. Well maybe they found out, but I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of knowing.

During my break I decided to give Potter and Black a little visit. Then I grabbed my only container of unicorn tears, put it in some hot chocolate, poured it into two mugs, and then took it to the Hospital Wing.

"Hey guys! Me-I mean happy Christmas!" I said as I handed them the hot chocolate.

They looked at it suspiciously but before I could see their reactions I turned around and walked away. I may be an excellent prankster, but I was no bully. I wonder.....


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now