Chapter 10

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As soon as I found Remus I began to apologize, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there! I'll be there next time I promise!"

Remus smiled gently, "It's okay. I am fine." He reassured me.

I nodded but still felt guilty. I mean I told him I was going to help him not forget about him. I honestly felt like the worst friend in the world at the moment.

When I had finished with my apology I went to pray about it. Since I felt so lost I felt it was bes to take this matter to the Lord, as well as repent. 

As I rapped up my prayer I went to go find Lily and Marlene. Then I heard a series of noise and went to follow it. Is saw Severus hanging upside down and Potter and Black were the ones responsible.

"Put him down!" I heard Lily yell and then I walked over to her and pulled out my wand.

"I'll put dear old Sinvelius down if you go on a date with me." Potter said his wand in hand.

"Never! Even if you were the last person on Earth!" Lily said looking disgusted, "Now put Severus down!"

"I don't need help from you! Mudblood!" Severus shouted.

Everyone gasped and Potter looked like he was going to explode with rage, "You take that back!" Potter yelled.

"Your not any better!" Lily sneered.

"But I would never..." Potter began pathetically.

I hooked arms with Lily and we left.

"This is the second time!" Lily sobbed.

"I know." I said as we walked away.

Potter, Black, and Snape right behind us calling us back. I can't believe them. They were all idiots. I just can't believe Severus would do such a horrid thing....he was our friend after all and friends don't do that sort of thing.

Lily and I headed o our next class, which thankfully was Herbololgy so no Snape and no Potter or Black. Sadly I know longer knew how Lily and I were going to survive Potions.

As the month went by I made sure to remember when the next full moon was. I honestly was very excited to be in my Animagus form again.

I told Lily and Marlene that I was going to help a Hufflepuff girl with their homework and thankfully they believed me (though it did take me awhile to convince Marlene). I quickly changed into a husky and then I made my way to the whomping willow. To my surprise three other figures were already there. A stag, a rat, and a black, shaggy dog.

I let out a low growl and they all turned towards me. The black dog took a step closer and began to growl too. The stag stepped in front of the dog and the dog eventually stopped. I did not though, at the moment i had never been more confused.

Then I looked around and saw Remus. Ignoring the other animals I made my way to the whomping willow. The stag and the dog jumped in font of me but I decided to ignore them.

Then a thought popped into my head. What happens if they were animagus!? I barked at them and they backed off. But who were they?

Suddenly Remus stepped between us, "Padfoot stop! You to Em." He said steadily.

The dog, Padfoot, and I looked at Remus with confused expressions.

Remus then started to howl. Perfect timing! I thought sarcastically.

The three other animals and I waited patiently. Werewolf Remus looked at us suspiciously and began to pace around. Suddenly he lunged at the black dog, I immediately jumped in between them and was hit with extreme force.

I then barked at he dog to move but instead he decided to join the party. How fun!

The dog looked at me curiously and began to eye my wounds he let out a bark and I barked back as I stood up.

Remus wondered around for a bit and then became his human form again. I then turned around and made my way to the Forbidden Forest not noticing that the other animals had changed back into their human forms.

Tonight might as well have been a dream.

I made my way to the common room, ignoring the scratches I had got. They may have been painful but they were not fatal. I know God could heal me and I knew it was all part of his plan. Whether I liked it or not I knew God had a plan.

I made my way inside the common room thinking about the black dog, the eyes....they were so familiar.

I climbed into my bed and sniffed myself to make sure I didn't smell to bad....coconut hmm.....

"Sirius Black." I whispered.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now