Chapter 19

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Girl's Night

We walked into a small shop and saw Lily and James talking. James was clearly still alive by the looks of it. Sirius and I shared a look and walked up towards them.

"Are ya'll ready to head back to the castle." I said leaning forward a little bit.

"Ya." Both of them said.

Lily and I hooked arms and a grinned slyly at her. She raised her eyebrow at me when she noticed the ring around my neck and I quickly looked away.

James and Sirius started talking and Lily looked very...peaceful. A small smile graced her face as we walked slightly ahead of the boys.

"Care to explain." Lily said indicating to my Sirius' promise ring.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered softly, trying to hide my red face.

"Okay, but I don't need and Nieces and Nephews any time soon." She said with a smirk.

I hit her shoulder and she mocked shock, "What ever did I do?"

"I swear, James must be rubbing off on you somehow." I said then I shot her a sly look.

We both decided to be quiet for the rest of the way, but when we got to Hogwarts Lily grabbed Marlene and myself and dragged us to our dorm room.

"Spill." Lily said sternly and Marlene looked at the ring her eyes widening.

"Did he-

"Okay!" I interrupted, "This is a promise ring." I said emphasizing the word 'promise'.

Marlene still raised an eyebrow and I continued, "Well Sirius brought me to the Black lake for a picnic and..well I decided to throw a few rocks and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I said stuttering a bit.

The other girls squealed and I hit both of them on the head.

"So it's official." Lily said and I nodded.

"Did you snog?" Marlene asked out of nowhere, but I refused to answer. "You did, didn't!?" Lily added on.

Again I punched their arms and Marlene Falles back dramatically, "Oh the pain! The pain!"

Lily and I laughed and I decided to ask her about her and Potter's date, "What about you? How was your day?" I said grinning.

She immediately turned bright red, "Well, I guess I have to admit, James has matured."

I immediately clapped my hands, "Oh look at that, we're even on first name bases!"

"I suggest a girls night!" Marlene yelled at the top of her lungs.

Lily and I agreed and we went back to the common room.

The boys immediately greeted us and we all tried not to burst out laughing. The boys looked at us strangely and we did our best to calm down and I'm pretty sure the guys had thought we had gone insane.

"Are ya'll okay?" Sirius asked and we just nodded our heads as we gasped for breath.

The rest of Saturday went well and the girls and I excused ourselves early so that we could go to our girls night.

We all changed into our pajamas and Marlene laid out snacks, "So what's the plan?" She asked with a grin while we were eating.

Suddenly an idea formed in my head and I couldn't help but grin slyly.

"Why don't we do a scavenger hunt." I suggested.

Lily and Marlene immediately agreed and we all began to set up separately, and boy did I have a good idea.

The night went by rather quickly but the girls and I had wicked fun. Every once in a while we would involve the boys, but for the most part it was just us girls.

Lily and I tied at the scavenger hunt, but to be fair Marlene spent most of the time eating and cheering us on.

"Can you believe that next year will be our last year a Hogwarts?" I asked thinking back to all the memories we had.

"It certainly seems crazy." Lily added as we sat on our beds.

For a little while we talked about our years about Hogwarts, but suddenly stopped when the boys came bursting in (how I really did not know), with an expression that I couldn't quite place.


Please tell me what you think! I was sort  of a filler chapter, but I hope it wasn't too bad. Please,

A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now