3. Doctor

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"The truth is, every monster you have met or will ever meet was once a human being with a soul that was as soft and light as silk."


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Dr. Kim Taehyung

I glanced up from the business card, my eyes darting to the looming building before me. Seoul General Hospital.

Okay, I admit I had it wrong when trying to guess that guy's occupation. Even though I didn't grow up in this world, I've been here long enough to have a respect for people who sacrifice their lives to help other human beings. But him being one doesn't change anything. Yes, he may gather some good karma, but just that. Being a doctor doesn't mean he can't be a douchebag. He still has to pay for breaking all those poor women's hearts and I'm here to serve justice.

Crossing the street, I started making my way through the lined up ambulances. My strides full of intent, I rushed towards the wide entrance with automatic sliding doors and slipped into the sea of people gasping and coughing all around me. I had always perceived hospitals as places full of chaos. In that sense, they reminded me of home.

Hell, sweet Hell.

A draft of air hit my face, full of bleach. I scrunched my nose in displeasure and headed to the reception desk.

"Hello," I flashed my most polite and benevolent faux smile. "I'm looking for Dr. Kim Taehyung."

"He works in Cardiothoracic Surgery on the third floor."

A doctor who literally mends hearts for a living, while breaking them in his free time. Oh the irony.

The receptionist had the dullest face I had ever seen in my entire life. And that's a long time.

"Okay, well, would you be a doll and page him to come here? Tell him someone rather important is looking for him." I put my best effort in keeping the fake smile on my face.

"No, I'm busy." she stated, writing something down on a clipboard.

My expression slowly fell just as I ran out of my patience. "Okay, darling, you have no idea who I am so I'll let that one slide. But unless you don't want to spend an eternity in hell being tortured by-"

"Hey, it's you!" someone exclaimed behind me, cutting me off mid-sentence.

Pivoting my head to where the voice came from, I frowned when I met a pair of familiar large doe eyes staring at me. It was the poor guy from yesterday, the one whose car I crashed. Ebony locks slightly ruffled, he was dressed in dark blue scrubs and started taking slow cautious steps towards me.

"Mhm." I hummed reluctantly, not confirming nor denying. Having to deal with him was the last thing I needed right now, and him popping up everywhere I went was becoming a hindrance to me.

"You stole my car." he said, narrowing his eyes at me accusingly.

"No, I borrowed it," I stressed, rolling my eyes. "It's not my problem you weren't there anymore when I wanted to return it. Speaking of, these are yours. You might want to get it fixed, I may have scratched it. Kind of." I tossed him his car keys as I let my senses analyze his vibe. I didn't get much from him which probably meant he hadn't wronged that many women, at least not intentionally. Apparently he was one of the good ones, a rare gem as I liked to call them.

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