32. No Secrets

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."

As the clock struck 7pm, I desperately tried to calm my raging nerves

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As the clock struck 7pm, I desperately tried to calm my raging nerves. My stomach tied in anxious knots, anticipation coursing through my veins as I stared blankly at the door.

Taehyung was supposed to be here any minute now.

I turned my eyes away from my wrist watch, silently vowing not to glance down at it again. After a nerve-wracking session of pacing through the vast living room, I somehow managed to sit myself down on the soft beige carpet. I even tried doing some subtle breathing exercises, something I never thought I'd do while waiting for a man.

The doorbell rang.

I stood up almost too quick, the numbness of my legs causing me to almost trip down. The distance to the front door of my apartment seemed almost non-existent as my mind filled with millions of possibilities of what could go wrong.

Was he here to tell me that he hates me? That I'm disgusting and vile, that he never wants anything to do with me again?

I hated to admit it but Jin was right. I was afraid of rejection, terrified even. Especially if it came from one man in particular who was now standing on the other side of the door.

I found myself biting hard on my lower lip as I twisted the door knob.

"Hey Faye."

The words that left his mouth were almost inaudible as the buzzing in my brain intensified. I somehow snapped myself out of it and put on the largest grin on my face.


"These are for you." he said shyly, extending his arm out stiffly and handing me a small bouquet of roses just like he had done on our first date.

"Thank you," I accepted them, inhaling the sweet scent. "I love them."

My focus was scattered and filled with nervous anticipation. Even so I couldn't help but notice Taehyung didn't seem utterly terrified of me. Yes, maybe he was a little bit uncomfortable but he wasn't running around in circles and screaming upon looking me in the eye. He had brought me roses, so I took that as a good sign.

"Come in," I invited him, motioning for him to enter my apartment. A subtle blush covering his cheeks, he stepped in. I scurried to the kitchen to quickly grab a vase and put the flowers in water.

I placed the crystal vase neatly on the table and ushered him to sit down. He installed himself on the carpet across from me, folding his legs in front of him.

"I was going for something a little bit more casual tonight," I explained apprehensively, worried that maybe he wouldn't like it. "I didn't know whether you'd be hungry but I made you your favorite pasta and I figured we could have some Chardonnay..."

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