20. First Love

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"I got my heart broken by a love that wasn't meant to be. And fell for a person whose heart will never belong to me."

"I just need you to promise me you won't freak out and lose your shit

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"I just need you to promise me you won't freak out and lose your shit." Yoongi begged me, raising a hand in front of my chest as if by this gesture solely he would pacify me.

"Why? What's going on?" I furrowed my brows, tapping my foot impatiently.

We were standing in front of one of the hottest night clubs in the city, bright lights flashing from everywhere as people made their way towards the establishment. Yoongi had summoned me there, saying it was an emergency. I hurried over without asking any questions, suspicious of what this rambunctious demon was up to now.

"Before you jump on me and try to strangle me to death again," he stressed, triggering an eye roll from me. "Just know that I had nothing to do with this. Absolutely nothing. I am on your side," he emphasized. "I called you over as soon as I found out."

"Found out what?" I asked, running out of patience. "Just spit it already!"

He deadpanned. "Better follow me and see with your own eyes."

We sauntered into the club, weaving through the crowd as we made our way in. The vibe inside was electric, everybody was jumping up and down, dancing like there's no tomorrow. I grimaced once the harsh scent of alcohol hit me in the face. The music pounded in my ear, so loud I thought I'd go deaf.

Yoongi led me further inside as we slipped in the sea of sweaty, grinding bodies. He kept glancing over his shoulder occasionally to see if I was still following him. The more we advanced, the more I wondered why he brought me here. Just as I was about to tug at his sleeve and declare that I was leaving, he came to a halt right in the middle of the dancefloor.

"What's happening, Yoongi? Why are we here?" I tried to yell above the booming music.

"See for yourself!" he yelled back, stretching out his arm to point at something in the distance.

I squinted, trying to make out something amidst the dry-smoke and the bright neon lights. All I could see was people dancing wildly, high on endorphine and who knows what else.

The music played even louder in my ears as my eyes landed on a familiar figure in the ocean of bodies. I watched him move to the song energetically like he had been injected with liquid adrenaline. Three women at once were grinding on him playfully, their hands sliding down his firm chest. He was laughing, all hyped up and having a good time.

He twirled around and his head tilted to the side, when finally our gazes locked. His mouth fell open as he slowed down on his dancing. The music seemingly boomed louder, roaring in my ears. The name tumbled out of my mouth even though I knew he couldn't hear me. Simultaneously, I saw his full lips move to mouth my own name.

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