9. Soda

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"Go to hell."

"Oh, honey, where do you think I came from?"

"Who the fuck is this guy?" Yoongi hissed, glaring at the pale and trembling Jungkook

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"Who the fuck is this guy?" Yoongi hissed, glaring at the pale and trembling Jungkook.

"I was- just- um- wanted to know if you'd like some soda, Faye." The younger boy stuttered. Staring wasn't quite the word for what he was doing now, it was more like his eyes had transformed into gigantic moons and occupied his whole face. His body stood still in the most unnatural way possible like he had looked a Basilisk right in the eyes and it had petrified him. His breathing constricted and shallow, he stumbled back in fear and landed on the ground when I moved just an inch in his direction.

"Jungkook," I made a desperate attempt for my voice to sound soothing. "It's alright."

"No, it's not buddy, she's gonna rip your heart out now and eat it. There's a reason they call her the Hearteater." Yoongi's mouth stretched in a grin that split his whole face, baring his vicious sharp teeth. The little fucker enjoyed whatever torment he could inflict on others and right now, he was having the time of his life.

As if we were stuck underwater, everything seemingly moved in slow motion. Jungkook's mouth fell open as his startled eyes traced the snow-white appendices attached to my back. I squeezed my eyes shut, searching my mind for something reasonable to say.

"What- what are those?" Jungkook breathed out, hands gripping on the grass around him as he started dragging his body away slowly. No point in lying now. I was caught red-handed. Or more like, white-winged.

"These are my wings," I explained calmly. Was I really doing this? Did he have what it took to process this information? I had never disclosed my true nature to any human being. Furthermore, I wasn't allowed to. But right now, it was either telling Jungkook the truth or reaching into his chest and wiping away every ounce of love he had inside of him.

And for some unfathomable reason, I really didn't want to do this to him.

"Are you an angel?" he rasped, giving a heavy gulp.

"No, bro, she's the exact opposite of that." Yoongi spoke up, chewing on his nails in a vain attempt to keep his creepy grin at bay.

Muscles tightened in crippling panic, Jungkook let out a sharp gasp. He was completely and utterly terrified, I felt so bad for the guy.

"Jungkook, I..." I drew a long breath in. "There's something you don't know about me."

"No shit." Yoongi snickered behind my back.


"She's Batman." The annoying demon cut me off.

"I swear, in the name of my father, I'm going to rip your head off if you say another word." I threw an angry glare his way.

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