6. Rules

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"The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes in everything you've ever wished for."

"Did it work?" Yoongi practically leapt from the couch to the door the moment I set foot into my apartment

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"Did it work?" Yoongi practically leapt from the couch to the door the moment I set foot into my apartment.

"Don't you have your own place to lurk around in?" a small scowl occupied my forehead as I eyed him disapprovingly, taking my jacket off and leaving it on the hanger.

"Get to the point," he huffed, both of his hands fidgeting with two of his pocket knives. "The guy looked spectacularly smitten, so I guess you got the job done finally?"

"Wait a second," I spun on my heel, shooting him a glare. "What do you mean 'looked'? Were you spying on my date?"

"Of course I was," Yoongi shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "I was right there on the table next to you. Geez, what a tragic life story he dumped on you, huh? You did a riveting performance, though. 'Thank you, Taehyung, this was heartfelt'," he mocked me, speaking in a high-pitched voice. "I bet on the inside you wanted to gag. I know how much you hate those things."

My jaw hung low as my eyes rounded. "I cannot believe you. Yoongi, according to humans, this is considered stalking."

"It's a good thing then that we're not humans." He seemed unfazed.

"I feel seriously violated right now." I put my hands on my hips. For some reason the fact that Yoongi had hovered there right next to me like some kind of nosy poltergeist as I was having my date with Taehyung made my blood seethe. Usually I wouldn't mind his presence if I was with any other guy, but right now, it ignited a fire of fury deep within me. "You were eavesdropping on my conversation with him. Did you follow us after we left?"

"Oh god no. I couldn't stand his pathetic whining any more so I bolted." He replied and I had to stifle a relieved sigh. At least he hadn't witnessed our kiss. Wait a second, why was I worried about that?

"I'm really tired now, so I'd like you to let me rest," I said, gliding past him and plopping on the couch.

"So I gather we're done with that one, right? Should I ask for another target?" he tapped his foot impatiently, his dark eyes boring holes through me.

I paused for a bit, refusing to meet his gaze. "Actually, I'm not done yet."

"I beg your pardon?" I had never heard Yoongi sound so outraged and so menacing at the same time. "Please tell me you're joking, Faye!"

"I'm not, I just couldn't do it tonight. Alright? I'll do it later on. Now leave me alone."

"Later?" he scoffed. "And when exactly is that? In a couple of years, when you're walking down the aisle and he's waiting for you by the altar? Oh wait, I forgot. That can never happen, because you're the devil's daughter!" Yoongi spat out and I could see how he was gradually becoming more upset by the minute as I watched him calmly.

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