35. Mommy Dearest

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"I hate seeing you, because you bring back feelings I tried so hard to forget."


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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MIGHT BE TRIGGERING FOR SOME PEOPLE. It contains a detailed depiction of drug abuse. If this topic is sensitive for you, I suggest you skip.

Taehyung's POV

I struggled to keep my eyes open as I skimmed through one of my patients' file. Kang Donghyun, age 46, needs a coronary bypass... Kang Donghyun... age... what age was he again... needs a... heart angioplasty? Kang... or was it Lee? Age...

My hands darted to my temples as I hissed in a frustrated manner. How am I supposed to do my job, my very, very responsible and risky job, when all I can think about is Faye?

I feel like my IQ has dropped to -148 because I can't seem to remember a single word from that file I read just ten seconds ago. Am I losing my memory?

This woman has imprinted on my mind, body and soul. She has gotten under my skin and I can't seem to shake her off. No matter how much I try to convince myself that thinking about her is wrong, I just can't erase her face from the other night. I hurt her. I hurt her so much.

I've done a lot of shit in my life, I've hurt a lot of women and I've watched them weep without a wince of my face. Their tears never moved me and the words they used to whisper in my ears never fazed me.

Until the other night.

Faye was crying... the devil was crying in front of me.

Kim Taehyung, you fucking moron, you've done it now. If this doesn't send you straight to hell, then I don't know what will.

Returning the file to the enormous pile of papers on my desk, I slumped back in my swivel chair with an exhausted groan. I reached for my phone in the pocket of my white coat, and unlocked it.

"Hani, cancel all of my appointments for this afternoon. I'm leaving early. Dr. Song from General Surgery is on call today, he'll take over for me."

"Actually Dr. Kim, I was just about to call you. There's this woman here who's asking for you."

I sighed, my eyebrows pulling together slightly. A woman? I wasn't expecting anyone, but if she's a patient I might just tell Hani to send her in considering she's come all the way over here and is standing right outside the door.

"Okay. I'll see her, let her in."

I put my phone back in my pocket and opened one of the cupboards to look for my stethoscope. As I was rummaging through it, I was too focused to hear the door open.

My eyes snapped up towards the mysterious woman. Short poker straight hair that stretched a little bit above her chin. Tiny, narrow face and long almond-shaped brown eyes rimmed by thick eyelashes. A little mole on her nose. The little wrinkles around her eyes told of laughter and warm smiles, keeping her face youthful. The inner corners of her eyebrows were slightly lifted in an expression of brittle hopefulness.

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