14. Crush

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"An angel with a broken heart is a demon in the end."

I made up my mind finally

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I made up my mind finally.

I cannot believe it took me this long to realize it, truly I can't.

But I should have known. I should have figured it out by now.

Silly old Faye. You never learn not to let feelings get in the way, do you?

Once every millennium you make the same mistake over and over again.

This is the last time. The absolute last fucking time that I let a man fool me this way.

No one plays Faye Starlighter for a fool. No one.

This one was good, I should give him that. Exceptionally good. He was really the most versatile one by far. I couldn't even notice the deception that was right in front of me. An Oscar-worthy performance, truly. It deserves nothing less than a standing ovation.

But the show is over now. Time to face the consequences.

Kim Taehyung is a calculated, conniving, and - I can't believe I of all people am saying this – diabolical human being. He's dishonest, manipulative and meticulous. He threads ever so carefully this deceptive illusion that he's a sweet, kind-hearted guy who likes to help people. But in reality, he's nothing like that.

He's a liar. Nothing but a heartless liar.

And I hate liars more than anything. They make my skin crawl.

That's why I punish them.

I can't believe I trusted his act. I can't believe I almost fell for it. Jimin told me he had no idea about who Taehyung was and I'm inclined to believe him since angels rarely lie. It's against their nature.

Taehyung was the one at fault here. He had probably been conspiring with my father or even Yoongi to pull some giant cosmic prank on me. A joke, that's what they took me for. But I won't get caught in anyone's twisted games.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I rip your heart out.

"Move." I snarled, shoving some rando to the side as I marched across the parking lot of Seoul General Hospital. I didn't care if I had to crash a fucking surgery, I would. Taehyung would have to face me today one way or another, and I just wouldn't sit around and wait for him to get out of surgery like a good little girl.

He's seconds away from feeling my wrath. How's that for raw human emotion, huh?

Just as I was about to take the staircase leading to the hospital's sliding doors, I heard a sound that stopped me in my tracks. It was one of pure pain, the kind of desolate sobbing one couldn't ignore.

I sighed, averting my gaze to the direction which the crying sounds were coming from. My eyebrows pulled together as I saw a young woman sitting on the stairs and sniffling dejectedly. My surprise got even bigger when I realized I knew her.

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